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Constructing URLs to particular rows in sheets

Simon Cropper
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


I am collaborating in a project and most of the work being conducted is external to SmartSheets, which is being used as a planning tool. I would like the ability to construct an URL / Hyperlink that references particular tasks / rows.

The idea is that as the project SmartSheet gets extremely big and with multiple people collaborating the tasks, associated data and metadata can have an URL that points to a particular row.

I know each sheet has a unique URL and each row an unique identifier. Can these be combined?

e.g. https://app.smartsheet.com/b/home?lx=_HuhVUohMD2R64-dD9Nlow?row=123456789

The idea as mentioned above would be to be able and click on the link in your metadata file and be taken to the row.

I suppose the exercise could be extended to cells as well

Thanks Simon


  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Simon,

    There isn't a way to generate a URL that will take someone to a specific row or cell. When you have a moment, submit a product enhancement request using the form under Quick links on the right of the community site.

  • TP

    Hi it is possible to send a request for update to your own mailbox and extract the unique row URL from the email. 

    I dont understand why this essential feature is not available right from the web.

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