Update Request Automation not sending to free users despite "Unrestricted" Automation permissions?

I have an automated "Update Request" workflow set up on a sheet to send to contacts in a cell, and I'm getting a an error message saying that this email is not being notified, and that I need to change the Automation permissions to a less restrictive setting. The email address is for under our work domain, so that shouldn't be limiting it either.

I already have the Automation permissions set to "Unrestricted" and can't share the users to this sheet, as it has other information they shouldn't have access to.

I've also checked our System Administrator settings for notifications, and are set to allow notifications to any email domain as well. Is this a bug, or is there something else preventing these update request emails from being sent?


Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi all,

    This issue is now resolved as of 6pm PST on August 21st! Workflows will successfully send emails to users who do not have Smartsheet accounts.

    Thank you for your patience as we looked into this.



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  • Sarah Donnelly
    Sarah Donnelly ✭✭✭✭✭

    I submitted a support ticket for a similar issue earlier this week about alerts for an automation email not being sent to contacts in a sheet! I'm the sys admin for our organization and I even sent screenshots to show my settings were set to "Unrestricted" for the sheet automations and our account. Support just suggested maybe the users had unsubscribed from the workflow previously and closed the ticket. But these were first-time emails for these users on this sheet. Didn't get any other help so I'm still not sure why it's going on but it continues to happen. At least I'm not crazy.

  • I've submitted a ticket as well - hopefully they'll give a helpful response now that a 2nd ticket has been created for this issue!

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    edited 08/08/23

    Hi @Asher_Schulz & @Sarah Donnelly

    We received reports of this block and notification happening (even when the restriction permissions were set correctly to "unrestricted") if one of the emails that the workflow is sending to does not have a Smartsheet account.

    This is currently under investigation and I'll follow-up on this thread when it's been resolved.

    If this does not describe your issue, please keep following up with Support, providing them with as much context and details as possible!

    Thank you,


    Join us at Smartsheet ENGAGE 2024 🎉
    October 8 - 10, Seattle, WA | Register now

  • Brittany Lambert
    edited 08/04/23

    I have been having the same issue for the last two weeks. It is random on who is not receiving the automated emails and we received the same error message again today, so it has not been fixed. Has anyone had any luck troubleshooting? I submitted my ticket two days ago. I have not heard an update yet.

  • At least for my contact columns, it did fix it to remove the contact from the cell, save, and add it back.

    I'm not sure if that would necessarily help for notifications sent to a specific email address listed in an automation though.

  • Thanks, Asher, I'm not sure why it worked fine until about a week and a half ago. The fact that it suddenly came on and is random makes me think that this was an update in the software or something.

  • Sarah Donnelly
    Sarah Donnelly ✭✭✭✭✭

    Smartsheet support contacted me today after I send a bunch of additional info late yesterday afteroon. Multiple reports have been coming in. Engineering is working on it. So that is helpful.

  • Good to hear they are working on it. I submitted a ticket a few days ago and hadn't heard back. Our notification emails go outside our domain so at first thought we were blocking it.

  • We are having the same issue. The above comment notes the issue has been resolved as of the 3rd, however we received this error message on the 5th and 6th, so it appears to still be an ongoing issue. I submitted a ticket with support aswell.

  • Good to hear engineering is working on it. Our problem was fixed for a few days, but we're having the same issue again.

  • I am continuing to have this issue except now it isnt even showing me which email...

    Workflow Delivery Alert

    The following people included in the Customer - Credit Card Prepayment Receipt Notification workflow for "LED Credit Card Authorization Form" are not currently being notified:

    +1 more

    If you want them to receive notifications, share them to LED Credit Card Authorization Form or change your Automation permissions to a less restrictive setting. Find out how

    Best Regards,

    The Smartsheet Team

  • Sarah Donnelly
    Sarah Donnelly ✭✭✭✭✭

    I am still having this issue including yesterday. I have not received any email from Support telling me that the issue has been resolved or that they have figured out what is going on. But, this morning I get an email from Support saying "We haven't heard from you so we are closing your case??!!?? I responded that the case is NOT solved and I'm still waiting to hear from them. I'm a little disappointed in Smartsheet support.

  • Nick Burrus
    Nick Burrus ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Having this issue as well. We had a major survey sent out to a lot of people today and most came back blocked.

    Dr. St Nicholas Burrus DHA, PMP

    I build Smartsheets for the US Government, State Government, and about a dozen of the US Fortune 100s.

  • Hi all,

    Our product development team is working on a solution with high priority - I don't have an ETA for this yet but I'll update the thread here when we know more.



    Join us at Smartsheet ENGAGE 2024 🎉
    October 8 - 10, Seattle, WA | Register now

  • MATF12
    MATF12 ✭✭✭

    To add to this, I don't think the issue is with having a Smartsheet account. The form attached to the sheet requires users to login with a user account (so we can track who input the information). The notification is a receipt type notification when rows are added meeting certain criteria, and this specific person used the same login information and email as the email address the workflow should have sent the email to.