Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

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Update Requests (save and update) even if not all complete

Update requests are a great feature and used a lot. However, for a number of our users, this could mean they receive maybe 10 or more to work through. The current behaviour requires the user to update all of them in the one session to complete an update. This can be difficult in terms of time, requiring additional information etc and therefore not completing all requests in one session despite maybe completing 90% of them.

What I would like:

Ability to save individual row updates within an Update request session without having to complete them all. This would add a "save" or "confirm update" on each row and if you don't complete them all, it will still show the updated ones as complete and if you re-open that Update Request from the email or notification, it just brings up the incomplete ones.

Thanks 😀

5 votes

Idea Submitted · Last Updated


  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    YES! The first few times people experience that 10 of their updates aren't saved because they didn't "complete" all 12 requested, they want to stop using Smartsheet and think it's a terrible system. While I wouldn't go that far, they do need the ability to submit updates without having to complete all of them and then we need to see those update request symbols go away on those rows they submitted.

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