Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

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WorkApps: ADMIN/Editor role



  • Currently the person who creates the work app is the only person that can make changes (add pages, create roles, add users). It would be great if there was the ability to select other users who can make updates. While you can transfer ownership, we typically have resources that back us up, so the ability to make them a Co-Owner would save time having to transfer ownership back and forth.

  • edited 11/11/24

    According to Smartsheet support in order for the product team to review this request you need to Vote up this topic. The top-voted posts are reviewed monthly by the Product team. Please. click the Vote link under Sara Campbell post to get this request to the correct people. This is a major failing for WorkApps and needs to be fixed/updated ASAP.

    Below is a screenshot of the first post of this topic and a red arrow pointing where to vote.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I have created numerous WorkApps for the different teams I work with. I have allowed/controlled access through 'roles' and 'Group' lists.

    It would be VERY HELPFUL if we could assign 'admins' to both WorkApps AND Groups. I find I spend quite a bit of time tweaking both due to team changes as well as external changes.

  • ✭✭

    Please add multiple admin access to Workapps!!! This is a pain!

  • ✭✭✭
    edited 1:25PM

    +1 agree multiple admin access for workapp

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