Is there an option to create multiple calendar views to display different column dates?

edited 04/26/24 in Smartsheet Basics

There are many posts/enhancements asking to display multiple column dates in a single calendar view and after years of request, no update to this seeming reasonable request. I have not identified if there is option to create more than one calendar view for the same data workspace so one calendar view can be used for one date column and a new calendar view to show the other date column. Is this possible?


  • SmartWay360
    SmartWay360 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Shooter71

    What about creating the report with the data you want to view and then change to the Callendar setting of the report?

    Will this work?



  • Shooter71

    This seems to have the same issue in that the report can only do one calendar view with one set of dates so I would have to created multiple reports for each date column. Unless there is a benefit here multiple reports vs multiple sheets I am not clear on as I am new to SmartSheet.

  • Will Jeffords
    Will Jeffords ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Shooter71 , here is a workaround that might prove of use…

    If you have multiple Start/End Date columns in your sheet, I suggest making 3 new columns:

    "Calendar Chooser" - this is a dropdown matching the number of sets of Start/End combos you might want to be available for Calendar view (my snag below will simply show two)

    "Calendar Start" - this uses an IF formula to select the Start Date based on the Chooser above.

    "Calendar End" - also uses an IF formula, but for End Date based on Chooser.

    Once you have these filled in, you simply change your Calendar View settings to rely on these new Date columns and you need only make sure each row has the right Start/End combo selected in the Chooser column.

    You can test by toggling between Chooser options and seeing the effect on the Calendar View.

    If you have more Start/End combos, you would just extend the IF formula to accommodate all of them (remember to keep the ,"") at the end in case you have no value in any of the needed Start/End columns.

    Let me know if this works for you or if you have issues getting it to!



  • Shooter71

    Thank you Will for the suggestion. I believe I understand where you are going with this but I think my use case is different. I am only looking to show on the calendar a single event on a day. For example, if I have Product A in which I have a column of Ship Date and a Column of Receive Date. I would like a milestone to show up on individual dates instead of a bar connecting the two as many of these will have weeks in-between. I know that Column Master will not be able to have differentiation of Ship Date and Receive Date and would just show Product A but I figured I could address that with some manually formatting but I have not been able to get past the fact that I cannot show two different column milestone dates on the same calendar view.