June Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge



  • MarceHolzhauzen
    MarceHolzhauzen ✭✭✭✭

    I know way too much about vinyl and the application thereof. From decals for your phone and t-shirts with your own quirky images, to vehicle wrapping and signage. Sometimes it's embarrassing how many times I say "well, I can make that" when going to the shops.

    Marcé Holzhauzen
    Dare to try

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  • Laura McDonald
    Laura McDonald ✭✭✭✭

    I know entirely too much about "show" trucks - either pick-up trucks or transport trucks. Many used as a daily driver, some purchased solely for taking to shows and displaying. I know exactly how to clean/detail these trucks inside and out, which products work best, and all the little details that judges will look at. I also weirdly know all the random accessories you can get to make your truck stand out and be different from the rest.

    Why do I know this? Before retirement, my Dad worked in the metal fabricating business, mainly doing duct work. He's super creative, and on his breaks/lunch/after hours decided to see what he could make from all the waste steel. He made some custom accessories for his own pick-up truck, which quickly turned into others seeing it and wanting similar items. Then, transport truck drivers started asking if he could do it on a larger scale for their trucks. So, he got to know the "show truck guys" really well, and started attending truck show & shines to promote his products, and also using his own truck as a travelling billboard of his work, and entering it in truck shows. I was a kid at the time with small hands and was always eager to tag along, so I quickly earned the job of cleaning everyone's trucks for them at these shows.

    Then, when I was old enough to get my driver's license and purchase my own vehicle, my truck also got ALL the free custom accessories made by my Dad, and was kept in clean, pristine condition. Now that I've moved out, got married, and live in the country with gravel roads, maintaining the clean and pristine truck is a bit more challenging, but it still looks a lot better than most of the farm trucks around me!

  • RebSchr
    RebSchr ✭✭✭✭✭

    My friends joke that I know a lot of random trivia or as I call them "useless" facts. But in all seriousness, I seem to know a lot about the White Star Line fleet and not just the Titanic. I even won season passes for 4 to a local theme park because I knew when the Olympic was built and that the White Star Line started in 1845.

  • Maz Pate
    Maz Pate ✭✭✭

    British TV Shows lol and Re-finishing Furniture :)

    “Motivate those around you, share knowledge and inspire others” - Unknown

    Regional Project Manager

    Volunteers of America///MPate@voa.org

  • Tammy Sutton
    Tammy Sutton ✭✭✭✭
    edited 06/05/24

    One surprising thing I know a lot about…..well probably not surprising if you know me ;)

    I know a lot about local food places in the Orlando/Kissimmee area. I love supporting local businesses and we are Disney and Universal annual passholders. So, I spend a lot of time finding places to eat around the Orlando area that aren't tourist traps and they are locally owned. If you are ever in the Orlando/Kissimmee (and sometimes Winter Park) area and want some suggestions, reach out :) I'm pretty passionate about it! LOL

    I love these weird but fun facts that we get to learn about each other!

    Gideons Bakehouse!!! Say no more! However, I recommend going to the East End Market (original location) because the Disney Springs line can be several minutes and sometimes hours long. While you're at the East End Market go next door to Gideons over to Hinckley's Fancy Meats and get a cuban (chef kiss). Ohhhh and go to the back of the market to Lineage and get a White which is a nitro coffee with cream and sugar already in it. Now I need to drive to Orlando! PS….you should follow Gideons on Instagram

    Bad As's Burgers….OMG a must do for us. Try the jerk mayo! They make their buns and everything HOMEMADE! Also, they have a sister restaurant called Bad As's Sandwhiches…..yum!

    Sweet Buns had really good savory and sweet treats!

    K-Bob has YUMMY Korean corndogs!

    Tammy Sutton, CSM, CSPO

    Project Manager | MilkTracker

    AngelEye Health


  • Tammy Sutton
    Tammy Sutton ✭✭✭✭
    edited 06/05/24

    @Brandon Sills This is AWESOME! I want a shop where I can learn woodworking and also do my ceramics in. Currently we rent so I have no place to do such a thing. However, future goals :)

    Tammy Sutton, CSM, CSPO

    Project Manager | MilkTracker

    AngelEye Health


  • KHetzel
    KHetzel ✭✭✭

    WOW! Everyone has such amazing hobbies and interests and knowledge. Me? I know my work - Government HR in Texas. I love collecting the war stories from others and hearing the hope in the new generation of HR workers. I have book knowledge and an alphabet soup behind my name. I collect random experiences from every jurisdiction and coworker and I'm proud to be the one people go to when they don't even know where to start. I'm always here to help! 💞

  • T C
    T C ✭✭✭✭

    I am into astrology and astronomy. It is a fascinating study of celestial bodies. Learning about planets and the symbology is interesting.

    Here to learn, willing to help!

  • Tammy Sutton
    Tammy Sutton ✭✭✭✭

    OMG, I love both coffee AND tattoos!!

    Have you checked out a local to Georgia coffee place called Jumping Goat? If not, HIGHLY recommend checking them out online. Also recommend the "vanilla, hazelnut, cinnamon" coffee AKA Ivory Snow. I'm not one for flavored coffee but this one is amazing! I go to Guatemala annually and every year I bring home authentic Guatemalan coffee. My fave is Animo coffee because it's done by local folks in Panajachel and supports a Guatemalan recovery group (check 'em out on Facebook).

    Now….tattoos!!! My newest tattoo I got on Virgin Voyages by a German artist from Essen, Germany. It was great! I would have never met her had I not gone on that cruise and we are planning the rest of my right arm sleeve. I'm saving my left arm for a Japanese tattoo artist that has a studio in LA….btw I live in Georgia, US LOL

    I guess you'd say I'm also passionate about coffee and tattoos LOL

    Tammy Sutton, CSM, CSPO

    Project Manager | MilkTracker

    AngelEye Health


  • Will Jeffords
    Will Jeffords Overachievers

    The oddest thing that I can claim expertise on is being in Seoul, Korea for 3 consecutive World Cups! I was there in 1994 (studying Korean at Yonsei University) when the US hosted - watching matches in the wee hours of the morning and hearing the cheers of 10 million people at once while sitting outside during the games. I was there again in 1998 (doing a US Army JAG Corp internship) when France hosted and watched matches with a lot of Army folks. Then I just had to return in 2002 (solely as a tourist) when Korea and Japan co-hosted. Got to see three matches in person!

  • Bruce Case
    Bruce Case ✭✭✭✭✭

    One thing I am realizing quickly is the fact that I don't have anything on the people who have responded so far. Wow. This is pretty amazing stuff! If I was to pat myself on the back for something, I think it would be my dedication. July 23 of this year marks my 40th year at my current employer, in the travel industry, that has been rocked by various things from deregulation to the economy to COVID to the economy, etc. I continue to be flexible and open to change, knowing that what I was hired to do 40-years ago is not even close to what I am doing today. I wouldn't trade it for anything!

  • Tammy Sutton
    Tammy Sutton ✭✭✭✭

    This is GREAT!! I'm in my late forties and just getting into gardening and indoor plants. I'm starting with peppers, garlic and onions. EEP…..it's kinda stressful at first but relaxing once I give in and accept whatever the outcome may be.

    Tammy Sutton, CSM, CSPO

    Project Manager | MilkTracker

    AngelEye Health


  • Sherry Fox
    Sherry Fox ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Well, ironically I am NOT a good test taker, I have a horrible memory. I failed my first attempt at my Smartsheet Core Certification, but passed on my second. I mention this as it is essential to understand the next part. As my husband and I are watching TV or a movie this happens as the opening credit roll, and during the show or movie. I will see a name and say "we know him/her from THIS SHOW" the same is true when I hear a voice. Hubby doesn't believe me, so he looks it up and, I was right. Wish I had a photographic memory, which would help with the important stuff! Like with @DioG , we do the cooking. We started playing a game (It is from one of Gordon Ramsay's cooking Reality shows). We would taste a dish at a restaurant, something we love, but would enjoy having more often, but at home. Steak (Filet Mignon & Ribeye), Rack of Lamb are 2 good examples. Remember the flavors, the preparations, herbs/seasonings. Make notes if you want, then the next week, get all the ingredients, and attempt it. Yes exploring recipes online is allowed. These are a guide, not to be followed completely. They have helped us with seasonings and cooking times most. Then once we have perfected these items, we never oder those when we go out to dinner. We started this challenge small, Chocolate Mousse and Creme Brulee.

    Sherry Fox

    Data Science & Reporting Specialist | Information Technology

    United HealthCare Services (UHS)

    EAP | Mobilizer | Automagician | Superstar | Community Champion


  • ChrisStrube
    ChrisStrube ✭✭✭

    I am a jeweler. Attached are closeup pics of the pendant (front and back) that I am wearing today. It is made using sterling silver clay. I create the design with the clay, fire it in a kiln, and finish it for wearing.

  • JenniferTorres
    JenniferTorres ✭✭✭✭

    I can't say I know a lot about one thing, but I know random facts about a lot of things. I'm currently working my way through the podcast "Stuff You Should Know" where the hosts explain a different topic each episode. So if someone starts talking about (or even mentions) any of those topics, I know something about it!

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