June Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge



  • I love this question! It is great to read about everyone's knowledge.

    I have a moderate bit of knowledge about many subjects. Some of my favorite subjects are U. S. Coast Guard, running, swimming, fitness, thrifting, reselling, jewelry, and grant writing.

    As a Coast Guard Mom, I have taken an interest in "all things" Coast Guard. Since September 2021, my son has been stationed in 5 states. I have gotten to visit him in 4 of the 5, Alaska is a little far from Pennsylvania. During visits, I was allowed to tour various cutters, bases, and workshops. I have gotten to also tour an Air Station (without him). The Coast Guard is definitely like a big family.

    After a recent 90 lb. weight loss, I have become interested in fitness including running and swimming. I am a former high school swimmmer who returned to the pool this past year. Since November, I have competed in 6-5ks, an indoor Sprint Triathlon, and a Biathlon, (only taking a break for 6 weeks after surgery). Another side effect of losing weight is having to find new clothing. I have always loved fashion, so it was a no brainer to not fall into the fast fashion world. I started to thrift to fill my closet. As my sizes changed, I started reselling. It is now an obsession. Finding those perfect pieces, comping, and listing to sell!

    Last but not least is grant writing! The nerd in me loves to write grants. I have helped many local agencies that support individuals with disabilities with their grants. LIttle known fact: I am 100% with grant approval! (Knock on wood!)

  • joelsmit94161
    joelsmit94161 ✭✭✭✭

    Personally its hard to pinpoint one topic that I know a lot about. I believe I am truly a jack of all trades. Which makes me do well in general trivia. However, when it comes to work, my co-workers rely on me heavily for my technology knowledge(including Smartsheet).

  • Scalperjim
    Scalperjim ✭✭✭

    Hello Peggy,
    Thank you for the compliment! That's really nice of you. Have fun creating your winter village. It sound wonderful.
    Take care,

  • mcullen
    mcullen ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello all! This is officially my first time exploring the community and what a great topic to start out with!

    My name is Michelle and I'm a plant addic. I have plants EVERYWHERE. Inside my house I have 150+ plants, outside I have flower gardens in the front and backyard, as well as a vegetable garden. I also grow grapes that I use to make wine and jelly.

    I'm also a huge space nerd. Right now we are in a solar maximum which has allowed me the amazing opportunity to view the Northern Lights from the comfort of my home in ND!

    Michelle Cullen

  • Hello everyone! I'm a relatively new SS user, not quite a year, and have been enjoying using the platform and figuring out how to make the most out of it in my job. I know a lot about project management and belong to the Project Management Institute as a PMI Project Management Professional®. I also know a lot about event planning and executing weddings, and have spent 13 years helping brides and grooms relax and enjoy their day by taking care of the details. And then there's fly fishing — I know a lot about fly fishing. Mountain streams and trout (catch/release, only) make me happy! :)

  • Lara J
    Lara J ✭✭

    I'm more of a "jack of all trades, master of none" actually. I am proficient in working with computers, crafts, home repairs, gardening. I learn as I go and try to continually increase what I know. Computers has been something I've been involved with since they came out when I was a kid. Gardening and home things since I became a homeowner. Crafts as I've lost interest in the bar and club scene that kept me busy in my teens and 20's and my kids have gotten older. I just like learning new things. The only thing I'm an "expert" in would be Firefly and Supernatural (shows) but I don't think that really counts! lol

  • Will Duplex
    Will Duplex ✭✭✭✭✭

    Wow Erika, that's really cool and one heck of a background! It sounds like you have a passion for it, and also being able to apply it to your work is really unique.

  • Jen Lawson
    Jen Lawson ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have an annoying habit of deep diving into the chemical side of food additives- learning everything I can. It started when I was beginning growing my family 18 years ago, and now it's a hidden obsession. I started with learning about high fructose corn syrup- but also how food developers evaluate masticating and spreading flavor. My 5 year old son may have been the only kid asking people if something had high fructose corn syrup in it! LOL As a teenager, he cares less, but I am still always intrigued and running down rabbit holes to learn more. Books, articles, videos/documentaries, even conversations with other non-Dr professionals… It's fascinating!

    Jen Lawson, PMP

    Vernal Biosciences

    Colchester, VT 05446

  • Rowena
    Rowena ✭✭✭

    “It often comes as a pleasant surprise to colleagues that, despite my role in a professional setting, I possess a broad knowledge of online gaming.”

  • I have an knack for cooking! Assembling and pairing ingredients together is something that just comes naturally to me as well as having a "gut feeling" when things are ready or "done." Cooking for my family and friends on Holidays and special occasions is one of my favorite things to do! Any sort of cooking gadget or tool is usually what I receive as gifts - but I'm not complaining! 😊

  • One thing that I know a lot about it glitter. But I suppose that happens when you love all things that sparkle. My love of glitter grew by leaps and bounds during Covid when I decided to take up a new hobby while all of the regular social activities, I normally took part in were basically a no no. That hobby was and is tumbler making. Yes, I am "one of those people", but not one of those people that you can find on TikTok or YouTube recording their processes for the world to see (I am not ready to make my big screen debut). Part of tumbler making requires (in my opinion) tons and tons of glitter options. Which by the way, I had no clue that I could find so many different types of glitter, colors of glitter, shapes of glitter, and cut sizes of glitter. This newfound hobby turned my shoe box of random glitter into several hundred bottles of glitter that I have accumulated over the last couple years. Tumbler making (with of course lots of different glitter and even no glitter options for the those that do not like glitter) opened up a new outlet during covid and then also filled an empty place in our house after both of my daughters left the nest. Plus, I have picked up a few other crafty additions to my hobby.

  • I can talk about turtles for hours. I have always loved turtles. I've owned red eared sliders, alligator snapping turtles and currently own an eastern mud turtle. Here are some things you can do to help "the cause", some fun facts and behaviors to treat our gentle, majestical animals humanely. Some of these are just common courtesy:

    • Carry a reusable straw and use reusable bags and water bottles.
      • If you're in a restaurant that still uses plastic straws, ask them if they would consider using paper straws.
    • Before you purchase or adopt a turtle, research how large they get, how long they live and how to properly care for them.
      • There is a good chance the turtle will outlive you, if cared for properly. Red eared sliders can live up to 40 years in captivity. Eastern Box Turtles can live up to 100 years!!!
      • A general rule of thumb, turtles should be housed in a "tank" that is 10 gallons for every inch of its carapace (top shell). Red eared sliders grow to be up to 12 inches. So, to house a RES comfortably and humanely you should get a tank that is 90-120 gallons.
    • If you own a turtle/tortoise or know someone who does and God forbid you decide you don't want him anymore, DO NOT release him into the wild or the nearest water source in your neighborhood whether he is a native species in your area. It could be illegal to do so and there are animal and turtle rehab locations you can surrender your turtle to.

    On the flipside,

    • DO NOT keep wild turtles/tortoises.
      • Some species of turtles/tortoises are illegal to own, touch or even taken from the wild (such as the Gopher Tortoise).
      • Some species of turtles will only wonder within a small radius from where it was born (Eastern Box Turtles will only wander about 250 yards) and if put in captivity will spend the rest of its life trying to get back to its home. Think of the mental prison you're putting that turtle in!!
    • DO NOT feed bread to pond animals including turtles. There's no nutritional value and the levels of sugar, sodium and carbohydrates can be deadly. Plus it gives animals a false sense of being full so it won't forage for nutritious food causing malnutrition.
    • Before you leave the beach, cover holes, knock down large sandcastles and remove all your trash. As a matter of fact, pick up your trash everywhere you go. How would you feel if you had to pass a plastic bag or a small bubblegum wrapper through your internal organs?
    • DO NOT release helium balloons into the atmosphere. Your 2 mins of enjoyment is not worth the animal harm, injury and even power outages it may cause. There are other fun enjoyable ways to celebrate or remember someone.
    • If you see a sea turtle on the beach or in the water, lucky you!!! But PLEASE give it space and DO NOT touch them. Just enjoy watching the amazing, gentle giants.
      • Sea turtles are federally AND internationally protected.
      • Any attempt to pet, touch, feed, disturb, harass or elicit a reaction from sea turtles is punishable in the US by up to 1 year in prison and a fine of $100,00 per person involved (not only the person committing the act).
      • In Oregon and Washington State, laws around sea turtles includes dead and live sea turtles.
    • If you're boating in the oceans, especially during sea turtle nesting season (April-October), and wear polarized sunglasses, be the look out for sea turtles surfacing to breathe. A good number of sea turtles die due to boat strikes. If you do accidentally hit a sea turtle, call the coast guard or the local turtle hospital.

    Ok that is my soapbox for the day! I've included photos of my little Molecule smiling and basking with his booty hanging over the edge LOL My son wanted to name our new turtle. Our turtle was smaller than a quarter when we got him and my (at the time 5 year old science enthusiast) son said "he's so small like a molecule".

  • Pauline J
    Pauline J ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi All,

    I don't know how surprising this might be … but I have a knack of making BIG somethings out of little things (GOOD things). I'm always trying to figure out how to get around obstacles, and come up with unique solutions to get a job done — whatever that quest may be. It applies in business, but also in relationships. My family is spread out all over the US, and we are very close. So we use FaceTime to "have dinner together" by setting up PCs around the table; family join virutally, and we have dinner at the same time — so we're sharing the meal together. I have watched the Tony Awards with my adult daughter — who is half-way across the country, by FaceTiming, and we enjoyed the show together. (It involved a lot of muting and unmuting, but we had a great time.)

    I love to quilt and make mixed-media art, so I'm always looking for innovations to express my perspective — and to do so in ways that are not expensive (have you seen the price of paintbrushes lately?)

    So … I think I'm really good at "never say never" — as the old saying goes: "where there's a will there's a way!"

  • Jen J.
    Jen J. ✭✭

    I went in as a school psychologist and came out knowing a lot about education programs management & compliance for statewide public virtual schools… Been growing my Smartsheet ninja skills in this niche since 2010, and I could not have been successful without it!

    FWIW, I'm also an ex rugby player and an intermediate level crochet enthusiast. It's a toss up between the cluster & the puff stitch for me! 🤓

  • It's not a surprising topic, but a skill. I know how to drive vehicles with a manual transmission. It took me a long time to learn how, and I still drive a car with a manual transmission.

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