June Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge



  • First off…I loved reading everyone's answer! It's so fun learning new things about everyone!

    If you want a good deal or a coupon code, I'm your girl! lol I feel I am always looking for a good deal or coupon code for online :)

    Now my boyfriend on the other hand has SO much "useless" knowledge packed in his head! It definitely helps when we are playing Bar Trivia!

  • John Bray
    John Bray ✭✭✭
    edited 06/07/24

    I enjoy watching anime, I began watching as a child of the 70's and my infatuation grew as I did. As I grew up I became fascinated with the artistry of the hand drawn artwork. Marveling at how the artists were able to draw-in the emotion and engage with the audience. As an adult there seemed to be a negative stigma around my interest in anime, People said "it is just a cartoon". Yet the animation from the industry giant Disney was not, hearing quotes like there "classic movies". I was lucky enough to find a couple true friends with similar interests and I now have a small group at work that meets monthly to discuss what anime we are watching. My Anime collection now spans nearly 700 DVD's, and several animation cells from some of my favorite series. I learned to enjoy what I enjoy, it is about me after all 😊

  • MCorbin
    MCorbin Overachievers Alumni

    I would say "Smartsheet" - but I don't think anyone would find that surprising 🤣

  • Kathy Y
    Kathy Y ✭✭

    It's not surprising if you know me but I'm a big Stephen King fan. While I'm not an expert I would say I know a lot on the topic.

  • kelceyg
    kelceyg ✭✭✭✭✭

    Ingredients in hair care products… and proper hair care in general. I have naturally curly-swirly hair, and in an effort not to look like a witch that escaped from Azkaban, I took a deep dive into how to properly care for curly hair. I've gotten very good at being able to read the ingredients on hair products and determining if they are "safe" or not. I am not strict about following the Curly Girl Method (iykyk), but I do use it as a guideline. I could take a person's ear off on how to properly wash, apply product, and style curly hair.

  • joey.w.razzano
    joey.w.razzano ✭✭✭✭

    I guess I know a lot about fitness, having competed in a bodybuilding competition, run a few marathons and the Hood to Coast, considered becoming a personal trainer when going back to work….it's a great way to relieve stress

  • Vince Darrigo
    Vince Darrigo ✭✭✭✭

    My #1 passion in life doesn't classify as surprising to me (the NFL, especially my beloved Raiders - although surviving grade school with that unfortunate loyalty led to my desire to know everything about every team and every era). So I will go with animal training. I can teach kittens (the younger I can meet them the better) to do practically anything a dog will do. My current cat was fortunate enough to come into my life very young and during a rare unemployment stint in 2014.

    While he is not the first cat I've trained to be part dog and part human, he is my all time favorite. I taught him to walk on a leash, and to understand/appreciate key phrases. He goes outside without his leash but will never run off to do cat things. If he nears the edge of the yard I simply have to use the right tone of voice for him to turn around and march right back inside. He developed his own tones and uses that "ack ack ack" noise that cats make when they see a squirrel for example, to let me know he is irritated if I tell him we can't go buhbye, or that it's not time yet for food. He is jealous of my phone and knocks it to the floor any chance he can, and he HATES seeing luggage come out because he knows I will be leaving for an extended period.

    I have spent lots of spare time training squirrels and pigeons as well; I have many hilarious and/or interesting videos mixing these talents with my cat. For awhile I wanted to start a business getting celebrities to pay me obscene money to move into their mansion for like 6 months when they get a new kitten and want it to be a next level pet. Smartsheet wound up getting in the way of that dream :)

    This was the most surprising topic I could think of to write about for this. A close second would've been becoming a grand master of Dance Dance Revolution back when it was all the rage and I was 320 lbs. I drew crowds at arcades and theme parks who didn't expect to see someone my size dominating on 2 player mode doing both sides by myself :D

  • Monicacraven
    Monicacraven ✭✭✭✭✭

    Ballroom dancing??

  • LookW
    LookW ✭✭✭

    I know the ins and outs of the NCAA Football and Lacrosse rule books.

  • kowal
    kowal Overachievers Alumni

    History and origins of cocoa.

    Tomasz Kowalski

    The Smartsheet Lover

    Is there anything else we can help you with?

    MASA Consult - Your Aligned Smartsheet Partner

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    JIDEATTURRA ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    One topic I know alot about it Stoicism! It helped me tremendously through difficult periods in my life and has been persistently the way I live my life and has provided a lot of tranquility and bettering of myself!

    I started by reading Marcus Arelius Meditations (probably one of the greatest books ever written, which ironically he wrote as the most powerful man on the planet, with no idea it would ever be shared in the public eye - it was his journals, or meditations!) and it was full of such profound wisdom that was profoundly easy to implement in todays world - despite being written so long ago!

    Then I moved onto Letters by Seneca and again, the profound wisdom touched me!

    Easier ways to learn are to watch Ryan Holiday (The Daily Stoic) videos on Youtube..

    Anyone struggling with getting the most out of life, or indeed with mental health, should at least give this an opportunity - many of today's therapies use this philosophy as a foundation..

  • AmandaWebb
    AmandaWebb ✭✭✭

    It's not something I do anymore, but a hobby I used to share with my late husband was reloading ammunition. Living in the southern United States, it's not uncommon for shooting to be a pastime for folks and we enjoyed shooting at targets at the range (no hunting for us hehe). We'd pick up the spent brass at the range for the various calibers that we were using at the time. Back at home, the main tool we'd use to reload is a Dillon XL to complete the steps.

    Anymore I wouldn't be able to tell you from memory what to do, but I could quickly get the references needed.

    Pro tip - use a jewelry/gemstone scale that has points measurements for weighing out your powder, they're more sensitive and accurate than nearly all the scales the shooting supply stores will try to sell you.

  • iLoveData
    iLoveData ✭✭✭✭
    edited 06/12/24

    I know a lot about clothing and textiles! My second (for fun) job is in retail at Filson. I've learned a lot about textiles and materials during my time there and it's made me quite particular about what I wear now.

    My favorite fabric is wool, the best natural, sustainable, performance fabric on the planet. Wool naturally contains lanolin, a waxy substance found on the coats of sheep, giving it built-in water resistance; however, if it does get wet, wool can still insulate you and retain up to 40% of it's weight in water before becoming saturated.

    Not only will wool insulate you, it'll also regulate your temperature. Since all wool is hair, it will wick the sweat from the base of the follicle to the tip, shuttling sweat and heat away from your body when you're too hot, while still insulating and trapping heat when you're cold.

    Most people think of wool as itchy, and there are definitely some out there that are true to this stereotype, but there are may types of wool that are comfortable next to skin. Bison, merino, vicuna, cashmere, alpaca, and lamb wool are all comfortable next to the skin. Merino is widely considered the gold standard of performance wool fabrics for its durability, wicking efficiency, and gentle feel on the skin.

    One of my goals this year is to learn to cut and sew myself. I've always wanted to make high quality clothing for fun; until that time comes, I'll leave you with a picture of my favorite coat: 100% virgin mackinaw wool (first use wool) at 24oz per running yard of fabric in otter green and black plaid (it is a Filson coat, and it is one of many Filson coats in my collection haha).

    Michael - Alternative Delivery Analyst

    Ames Construction

  • Zachary Ziegler
    Zachary Ziegler ✭✭✭✭✭

    What is one surprising topic that you know a lot about?

    I happen to know a lot about the mechanics of Super Smash Brothers, as I used to play it as an e-sport! I even started an intercollegiate league for it where we faced off with other colleges. I could tell you all about how many frames it takes for a hitbox to come out, reasoning behind interactions going the way they do, and I can also expand at length about high level strategy and decision making logic. It's a lot to put into a brief topic like this but I think people often underestimate what goes into making a polished product like that game! :)

  • Happy Wednesday! I've been a community member for a while, but am fairly new to accessing and utilizing it regularly (but I'm working on changing that 😉). One of my greatest passions is my love for dogs, and more specifically my obsession with the Doberman breed. I've had a couple and cannot imagine life or a home without a Doberman in it. This big guy here is my 110lb lapdog, Max. He is our current Dober-dork (as we lovingly refer to him lol).

    This breed has incredible intelligence, agility, and they are one of the most loyal breeds of dogs I have ever been around. They are big, they look scary, and they unfortunately have acquired a bad reputation over the years because they were originally bred with the purpose of guarding and protecting (which they also do well lol), but with the correct socialization and committed training the Doberman is one of the sweetest and most loving breeds of dog you will EVER encounter. My good boy, Max, should have been named Linus because he carries his beloved blankie with him wherever he goes (yes, my big, scary guard dog needs an emotional support blankie lol).

    I used to refer to them as snuggle-bugs until someone pointed out to me that they are the size of a small horse and NOT a bug…SO, needless to say they now have the nickname of snuggle-PONY 😂.

    They are HILARIOUS and have incredible personalities and a curiosity that will keep you rolling! Dobermans are a working breed and if they aren't active or doing a "job" they tend to be a bit mischievous and high-strung. I've spent the last couple of years as a student and just completed my master's degree, but I'm hoping now that I don't have to spend my weekends writing papers that I can begin exploring some fun agility competition with our Max so he has an active "job" to look forward to. Fun fact about the Doberman breed that many people don't know, Doberman's were once utilized to guard Macy's Department Store(s), could you imagine a Doberman running around overnight in your local Macy's? I'm betting that would be a good deterrent for anyone with bad intentions lol. Here's a few pics from Macy's night watch crew in 1954 if you're interested in checking out a little Dobie history https://www.dobermantalk.com/threads/nightwatch-at-macys-1954-pictures-amp-article.242618/ I'm a proud Doberman mom and a proud breed advocate. Life is better with a Doberman.

    Jennifer Ashcraft, MHA

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