'Record a date' automation action does not recognize date column


I have a date column in a sheet (which is used for schedule calculations, so the type cannot be changed); I am now trying to add an automation to fill in this column if another changes and this is blank. However, when I try to deploy the 'Record a date' action, it says that there are no date columns….

How do I resolve this?



  • Denden8706
    Denden8706 ✭✭✭

    Is the column that you are trying to populate a date column like pictured below?

  • Mmmmm - I had used a template to create this sheet, and I just noticed that the type of the column I am trying to fill in is 'Date/Time', not 'Date'. What does that mean….? I can't create Date/Time columns, maybe an old version of the template?

  • Denden8706
    Denden8706 ✭✭✭

    I believe the date/time columns are auto columns. You could duplicate your sheet and try the automation after you update the column type to "DATE". By duplicating the sheet, you don't risk breaking your main sheet. If it works, update your main sheet. If it doesn't work, no harm is done.

  • I understand the issue.

    I had opened the Gantt view and enabled dependencies, because I want to establish a relationship between rows in terms of dependencies. However, the date range dropdowns display only some of the dates column - and the ones selected become 'Date/Time', and cannot be targeted by automations. I can't use the 'Created' column (of type 'Created date') in the date range dropdowns, nor any column which has a formula as far as I can tell.

    I can't be the only one facing this issue….?