It would be very helpful to have text wrapping on the headings that appear when you 'group by' on reports.
In our case, we group some reports by project name as this is most intuitive for the users of the reports. These project names can often be several words long, and it looks really untidy when half the project name isn't displayed on the group heading in the report. Wrapping the group heading text would resolve this issue.
It would be nice to be able to text-wrap the group names above the primary column so they aren't cut off.
+1 for this feature. Also would be helpful to have text wrapping for multi-select fields displayed in reports. For some reason you can wrap multi-select dropdown fields in Dynamic View but not in sheets or reports.
+1 for this feature as well. I have been doing several reports and in most instances, the group names are cut off.
I can't believe this only has 6 votes! Been waiting for this for a long time. When leadership views grouped reports and the headers don't wrap, it doesn't look terribly professional and making the column wider is a waste of space, especially when the report is viewed on a dashboard.
Andrea Zenner
Program Manager | Infrastructure & Operations
Apogee Enterprises
EAP | Mobilizer | Core Product Certified | Superstar
+1 yes please!!
Andrea Zenner
Program Manager | Infrastructure & Operations
Apogee Enterprises
EAP | Mobilizer | Core Product Certified | Superstar
Rather than text wrapping (which would introduce vertical whitespace across the header row), allow the group name to spread across the header row. Cutting it off is simply a poor implementation and I am surprised that this has not been addressed
+1 for this feature
I agree with @robinfig, that is a more elegant solution.
+1 for this feature. Real estate is always tight on Dashboard reports.
+1 for this feature
I would love for smartsheet to consider implementing this soon. Seems like a no-brainer to me. All of my org. (100+) people wants to move away from smartsheet for this one reason based on feedback from leadership.