I am trying to create a column with all emails associated with a certain name in the column


I have a problem where I need to give access to certain rows of information to people in the same group. I have a smart sheet set up right now that looks something like this.

I am looking to put all of the emails in group 1 into the access column so that I can have only people associated with the group to be able to see the info in the row.

Not sure where to start with a formula for this. Any advice here?



  • iLoveData
    iLoveData ✭✭✭✭


    Hey There,

    You can add attachments at the line item as well. In the far left column there should be a paper clip and you can attach files to each line. Regarding permissions and viewing, granting access based on the line akin to row level security (RLS) is done through the SmartSheet Dynamic View Add on.

    If you don't have that what I'd do is set up different sheets for each group and you can push the rows from your main sheet into the Group sheets using automation and a check box. The workflow would look like this:

    Create sheets for each access group → share group sheets with people → in the master sheet attach all your emails and information at the row level → create a checkbox that will act as your trigger to move the information to the new sheet → create automation triggering on the checkbox being marked → assign workflows based on conditions for which group is in the OU name column (or whatever column designates access group) → have the action be to copy the row into the group sheet → in each group sheet set up a notification that notifies all people shared to the sheet that new information has been added (you can do this on event trigger or have it run daily).

    It's a little cumbersome, but I hope this helps with your goal

    Michael - Alternative Delivery Analyst

    Ames Construction

  • I don't know if that is exactly what I want to do. I am just trying to create a formula to put in the access emails column so that I can filter based on current user and give them access to see info that way. I am not sure if we want a bunch of new sheets for each group because we have over 200 groups that have members.

  • iLoveData
    iLoveData ✭✭✭✭


    To clarify, you want to limit the parts of your sheet people can see based off the access group they are in and you want all the emails of those people within the access group listed in the access for emails column?

    Michael - Alternative Delivery Analyst

    Ames Construction

  • BrendonL
    BrendonL ✭✭
    edited 06/20/24

    Yes. I am looking to get all of the emails in that are to the right of group1 and put it in the access emails columns so that when i create a report, I can filter based on the access emails column so that all the people in group1 can see each other but others that aren't in group 1 cant see into group1's info. But i have over 200+ groups and doing it manually would be difficult because the people in the group tend to change over time.

  • iLoveData
    iLoveData ✭✭✭✭


    I don't quite understand what you mean by "get all of the emails in that are to the right of group1 and put it all in the access emails columns."

    Is the access emails columns supposed to be a running list? I don't actually understand what value(s) that column is supposed to have in it. Could you send over a mockup of what the ideal state will look like so I can get a better understanding?

    Michael - Alternative Delivery Analyst

    Ames Construction

  • BrendonL
    BrendonL ✭✭
    edited 06/20/24

    Sorry for the confusion @iLoveData ,

    This is how I want to populate the access email column

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