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File library for workspaces now generally available!

edited 10/30/24 in Product Announcements

Hi Community,

We are excited to announce that file library for workspaces is now available! File library brings files into the context of work, making it simpler to find, reference, and collaborate on relevant content from anywhere, at any time. Designed to integrate with your work in Smartsheet, file library allows you to access files, maintain versioning, and collaborate asynchronously where projects are planned and resourced.

What should you try out in file library?

  • Upload content via drag & drop or upload from your computer
  • Search and filter by file name, type, upload date, tags and more
  • Click into a file to leave directed annotations with customizable pins, shapes, and arrow mark-ups
  • Comment, reply, and @mention directly on a file to collaborate with stakeholders, track feedback, and streamline reviews
  • Interact with file versions by uploading new, viewing a different version or going to the latest version of a file

File library is available to Pro, Business, and Enterprise plans on the user subscription model.

How to access file library in workspaces:

File library is accessible via the left hand solutions panel in any workspace.

  • Navigate to a new or existing workspace and click into any asset within that workspace.
  • Once within the asset, go to the left hand Solution Panel and click on "File library."
  • Upload content to your library via drag & drop or upload from your computer.

Visit our Help Article to learn more!

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Emily Davenport

Product Marketing Manager II



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