Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

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Enable copy/paste of text from Microsoft OneNote

This is currently not possible. If enabled, it would help a lot of users who rely on OneNote.

See this community discussion dating back 5 years with no resolution.

Pasted text from OneNote to Smartsheet cell appears as an image?!

8 votes

Idea Submitted · Last Updated


  • ✭✭✭
    edited 09/26/24

    Agreed - whatever metadata is in OneNote which must be copied (hidden) into the Clipboard needs to be identified by SS and converted to plain text. I can copy text from OneNote and paste directly into Notepad—which is a very basic text editor—and it is recognized easily. So we need SS to put a little engineering prowess into decoding the clipboard content after OneNote is copied so that a paste operation inside SS pastes simply the text.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    FYI, there's an idea from 2022 for this as well. As an extensive OneNote user, this is supremely annoying.

    PLEASE ALSO VOTE HERE: Smartsheet + OneNote

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