Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Dashboard - Labels are wrong

edited 01/17/25 in Smartsheet Basics

My charts labels are all wrong and i can't figure out how to change the labeling. First the bar chart does not show the "$" like how it is in the Report. Secondly, the label for the other axis is indicating random numbers rather than the text that is in the report column. thank you in advance for your help


Best Answer

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    edited 01/20/25 Answer ✓

    @noshiro I am sorry for the delayed response on this, but I needed to get through my workday first before trying to come to a solution for you! Based on your comments above what I am assuming (I know dangerous word!) is that you have 3 different data pieces you are putting onto the same chart.

    Project Manager Name
    Project Portfolio value, in dollars
    Total Projects Per Manager

    A few things about the chart widget:

    "Use Column Names As Category Labels" - if not toggled on it will use your column names as the category label. If you toggle this on it will use the first cell at the top of each column as your column label (essentially, turning your first row of data into column headers and removing that data as part of your bar graph).

    "Use First Column As Series Label" - Turning this on will take the data from the first column of your referenced data and apply it to the legend. So in your example your series data value was the number of projects per manager. Toggling this on is what provided the values next to the legend dots on the right side of your chart.

    Now if you only want your table to express those two pieces of data, Total Projects Per Manager and Portfolio Value, if you set up your data as follows:

    And use these settings in your widget:

    It will produce a chart that looks like the following…please note, that the $ sign along the Y-axis only appears after you hit the save button on the widget. You can also toggle on the portfolio values by line if you select the "Series" option and then toggle on the only switch that reads, "Always Show Value Label".

    If you need to add in the third piece of data to this chart, which I'm making the assumption is the Portfolio Manager's name, that will complicate this in a few ways. First, your Y-axis will now be responsible for showing two separate values. No matter how you organize the data, those two values will not be the same type of data. I.e, one value you have is a "text name." Another value you have is a "number". Another value you have is "a currency". Since it can't reconcile how to display them, it basically changes all of them into text/number and removes the $.

    Also, that third piece of data might not show appropriately, because the value of the Y-axis is so large that the "total jobs in the portfolio" value is so small in reference to it that it won't even register on the bar graph. Your best bet to display this might be to provide two separate widgets: one displaying Total Project Count versus Portfolio value, as above, and a separate one that shows either one of those values relative to the Project Manager Name, as shown below. Remember, to do this you will need to organize your data so the Project Manager Name is the first column selected and then you will need to toggle on the option for "Use First Column As Series Label":

    I hope this gives you some direction.




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    @noshiro Do you have a way to share the data that this table is pulling from? Either copying and pasting the fields or a screen shot of it?

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    @Brian Wilson DC

    Thank you for your review of my post

    Unfortunately I am not able to as it has data and names that I cannot post.

    The numbers in the legend are names in a column (column set as text). The numbers on the horizontal axis should be Dollar amounts.

    I've tried to uncheck "Use column names as category labels" but doesn't do anything to change it. Could it be data loss since it is imported data to my smartsheet?

  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/20/25 Answer ✓

    @noshiro I am sorry for the delayed response on this, but I needed to get through my workday first before trying to come to a solution for you! Based on your comments above what I am assuming (I know dangerous word!) is that you have 3 different data pieces you are putting onto the same chart.

    Project Manager Name
    Project Portfolio value, in dollars
    Total Projects Per Manager

    A few things about the chart widget:

    "Use Column Names As Category Labels" - if not toggled on it will use your column names as the category label. If you toggle this on it will use the first cell at the top of each column as your column label (essentially, turning your first row of data into column headers and removing that data as part of your bar graph).

    "Use First Column As Series Label" - Turning this on will take the data from the first column of your referenced data and apply it to the legend. So in your example your series data value was the number of projects per manager. Toggling this on is what provided the values next to the legend dots on the right side of your chart.

    Now if you only want your table to express those two pieces of data, Total Projects Per Manager and Portfolio Value, if you set up your data as follows:

    And use these settings in your widget:

    It will produce a chart that looks like the following…please note, that the $ sign along the Y-axis only appears after you hit the save button on the widget. You can also toggle on the portfolio values by line if you select the "Series" option and then toggle on the only switch that reads, "Always Show Value Label".

    If you need to add in the third piece of data to this chart, which I'm making the assumption is the Portfolio Manager's name, that will complicate this in a few ways. First, your Y-axis will now be responsible for showing two separate values. No matter how you organize the data, those two values will not be the same type of data. I.e, one value you have is a "text name." Another value you have is a "number". Another value you have is "a currency". Since it can't reconcile how to display them, it basically changes all of them into text/number and removes the $.

    Also, that third piece of data might not show appropriately, because the value of the Y-axis is so large that the "total jobs in the portfolio" value is so small in reference to it that it won't even register on the bar graph. Your best bet to display this might be to provide two separate widgets: one displaying Total Project Count versus Portfolio value, as above, and a separate one that shows either one of those values relative to the Project Manager Name, as shown below. Remember, to do this you will need to organize your data so the Project Manager Name is the first column selected and then you will need to toggle on the option for "Use First Column As Series Label":

    I hope this gives you some direction.



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    @Brian Wilson DC

    No apologies needed. I appreciate your time.

    thank you. By your explanation, now I see what is wrong. The first column in the report is the status, which I have a summary count. This count is being used in the legend. I had to switch it to the PM's name instead. As you stated, with three different data, it confused everything.

    Thank you so much for your time and help!!

    Have a great week!

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