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Burn down



i would like to assign cost rates to different people and to auto calculate the burn rate for my projects. this information cannot be shared with the people that the prject are shared with. Is there a way to do this?




  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    If I understand your question, I keep the financial data and the non-financial data separate from each other. The non-financial data goes into a workspace or set of sheets shared to the users and the financial data goes somewhere else with different persons shared to it. 

    I use sheet cell linking to connect the data, usually with sum rows for hours by person, for example.


    Hope that helps.




  • Is there a burn rate template? 

    In a given project we have estimated and actual hours for each task/phase and an associated estimated cost for each task based on number of projected hours for each resource. Each resource has different hourly rates. I want a sheet that would tell me where we are at in terms of pricing for each task and overall compated to the estimated project cost. 

  • Kegan

    I too would be interested in a Burn rate template if anyone is interested in sharing.



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Kegan or Kate,


    Can you provide a reference to what you mean when you say Burn Rate?

    I have conflicting information and want to investigate this.





  • Brian Colvin

    Im also interested in this, as it could give historics and velocity of repeated tasks and would help with estimating future projects.  On that note does the smartsheet team have an estimating platform? 

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Oh, how cool would velocities be?! Anything to help people improve their estimates is helpful.



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