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Need a Column Property type that is "clock" or "time of day"



  • Brie-Jan

    I must say I'm also very surprised you can't add a due time in Smartsheet. Lots of tasks are due at a specific time, especially for content. Now you provide a nice content calendar template but without the option to plan content at a specific time. So you still have to align with your team in an alternative way. That makes no sense.

    And like mentioned before due time are crucial for event planning. So please be wise and add start and due times and you'll great value (and new customers) for a lots of people.


  • stephjkane

    I also wanted to comment to say that early in this thread it seems that a feature was supposed to come out 3 years ago. I have enjoyed using smartsheet as a way to connect information to my team, but I just can't seem to get it to do what I want. It seems to cater to those with high level skills in creating formulas, and the rest of us spend all day try to make a simple schedule to share with our team. 

    I'm very frustrated by the lack of a time feature, or the ability to merge cells. I would like to create a schedule using smartsheet, but right now it seems like it would have to look like this, which to me seems silly. You can't see most of the sheet and it's too difficult to manage



  • Loann McGee
    Loann McGee ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for the update, Kara! In our particular case, we would need something that can be a span of time within the day - 9:30am-11:30am, 1:30pm-3:00pm, etc. This would be helpful for our studio interviews and blocking time/accounting the time used per producer.



  • laura@hcfloors


    I am also interested in the addition of a time column.

    Have there been any advances in this function? 

  • Hi,

    I am new to Smartsheet and I am quite surprised that this functionality is missing in your fine product.

    There are plenty of activities which require sub-day planning and I am sure that Smartsheet would be a great tool to handle them.

    Looking forward to having it included in the future updates!

  • Wade Harshman
    edited 04/02/18

    This is not a good solution, but a rough workaround while we all continue to wait for the SmartSheet team,

    Add a "Time" column and set your hard time for an event (i.e. the time that a speaker arrives or the time that the meal is served).  Let's say that's on line 5 of your SmartSheet.  Set individual activity lengths as hours in the "Duration" column (i.e.  1h for an hour, .5h for 30 mintues).  Use predecessors as needed.

    Paste this formula into Time6 cell and drag down for all events after the hard time:

    =Time5 + (Duration5 * 24) * 100


    Paste this formula into Time4 cell and drag up for all events before the hard time.

    =Time5 - (Duration4 * 24) * 100


    Note: this only works for a calendar day.  If your event spans multiple days, you'll need to set a given hard time on each day.  But at least it lets SmartSheet calculate times for each day, which can reveal critical errors in planning.

  • Wade Harshman
    edited 04/02/18

    I'm thinking, now, which could get me into trouble...

    Is there a way to combine data to create a cell reference?


    On this time formula, for example, is there any way I could have it calculate time based on the row given in the "Predecessor" cell?

    The following doesn't work at all, but I'm thinking something like this:

    • =([Time]"Predecessors@row")+(([Duration]"Predecessors@row") *24) *100

    I don't think there's any way to make this work, currently, but that would be a pretty powerful formula because we could make SmartSheet keep track of time when the predecessors changed, so long as there were no parallel tasks to consider.

  • CaseyM
    CaseyM ✭✭

    3.5 years later and still no solution?

    This is an extremely limiting feature; We need to post online schedules, track project tasks by the hour, etc.

    Can we get an update?



  • Jay S

    Is there any update on the timeline for this to be implemented? I would think over 3 years there would be some movement on this issue? thank you

  • Andrée Starå
    Andrée Starå ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Jay,

    Unfortunately, Smartsheet doesn't have a Time specific column just yet, but it's coming.

    A workaround could be to use a dropdown list, and it's also possible to set up a solution where you can select the start time and end time to calculate the total time.

    Another option could be a time measuring add-ons/plugin that you can use together with Google Chrome.

    I hope this helps you!

    Have a fantastic weekend!


    Andrée Starå

    Workflow Consultant @ Get Done Consulting


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: www.workbold.com | E:andree@workbold.com | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.

  • Alicia Kimiai

    Adding to this thread too.. 

    I am trying to figure out a way to add clock in/clock out cells - with a timestamp - to a time card entry page for my Production Employees. 

    I am also pretty exasperated that this thread was started in 2015 and seemingly nothing has been added to the features to include this. This seems like a pretty simple and necessary request. 

    Just checking to see if something has been developed to aid this need and/or the status of the promised feature addition in the works dating back 4 years.... 

    Please let me know if there is a quick and easy fix for my problem! Thanks!

  • GMF
    GMF Employee

    We understand this has been a long-running ask of our customers and appreciate your patience. The Smartsheet team is hard at work right now to deliver two new column types that address these needs. The upcoming ‘timestamp’ column type will automatically display the last modified date and time for any cell. For example, a time sheet could have a checkbox for 'clock-in' and another for 'clock-out' and associated timestamp columns would automatically show the last time those checkboxes were checked, allowing you to track the time automatically, or compute the duration.

    Since this will be a column, it can be used for filters, conditional formatting, automation rules, formulas, and in reports. For example, you could add a timestamp to track the last time a status update was made to a row, and fire an alert if the row hasn't been updated in more than 14 days, filter for all items changed in the last day, or build a report of items that haven't been reviewed in a specified time.

    We’re also working on a “Time” column that will allow you to enter a start/end time, and optionally a duration. We’ll share more details on the design of this column soon.

    These new column types will launch later this year. We'd love to hear your feedback on the approach we're taking.


    Gene Farrell

    Chief Product Officer, Smartsheet

  • bradmin
    bradmin ✭✭

    any updates on this feature yet? it has been quite some time and we do not get a date, first it was 6 months, then it was testing some options, now is later this year.

    we need Smartsheet to listen to the needs of the community, we are the ones using Smartsheet on a daily basis and would love to stick with it.

  • Kara Lumley

    Hi all, 

    As Gene mentioned above, we are working on developing solutions for timestamping and date/time, and I'm starting some research on usability. If anyone would be interested in spending 15 minutes answering some questions in the next few weeks, I would love to hear from you.

    Please send me an email at kara.lumley@smartsheet.com and we can set something up.

    Thank you,


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