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I had my Google form synced with Smartsheet and it has been working well. For no known reason, new form entries from Google no longer enter into Smartsheet. An error occurs when I go into the Google form and try to reconnect.


The error is below:



What could have caused this error?


How can I fix this error without having to create a new form and sheet?



  • Travis
    Travis Employee
    edited 05/14/15

    Hi Nathaniel - there is a known issue that is being investigated by our team. In the meantime, to fix this, try disconnecting the add on, then reconnect it to your account. Once you have set up the sync again, it will create a new sheet, but you can use the Move Row feature to move the rows from your old sheet to the new sheet. 

  • Kate Ervin

    Wow, I just did as Travis suggested because my form was still collecting new data, but the smartsheet stopped showing that data for no reason.  So I unlinked the smartsheet entirely, and then started the add-on again for that form.  Seems to work for now.  BUT, the Move Row feature moved the rows and deleted a bunch of the data in those rows (i.e. the rows that showed up in the new sheet were incomplete).  Glad I have the Google Spreadsheet as a back-up!

  • Travis
    Travis Employee
    edited 01/25/16

    Hi Kate, if the destination sheet does not have the same columns (type and name) as the source sheet, new columns will be added at the far right of the sheet, with the data from the source sheet.


    Moving rows will not delete data - try scrolling to the far right of your destination sheet on the rows that you moved.


    Let me know if you are still unable to locate the data! 

  • Kate Ervin

    I did find the data to the far right, thank you.  Unfortunately, the conditional formatting and formulas that I had added were not preserved.  


    We would like to keep our Google Form synced with the Smartsheet, while also adding some new columns into the Smartsheet (in between some of the form columns).  Is this dangerous?


    What about renaming the column headers?  I noticed they're a truncated version of the column headers for the Google spreadsheet containing the Google Form responses.  



  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Kate - renaming columns and adding additional columns to your sheet will not affect the sync. The integration is pointing to specific column IDs, not column names or location in your sheet. 


    Hope this helps! 

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