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Best/Good Practice request: Resource Leveling

J. Craig Williams
J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Another better practice looking for.


How do you handle completed tasks and resource leveling?

If there is a 8 hour task scheduled for this week and the person knocks if off on Tuesday, they aren't needed on Wed-Fri at 20%. 

For long term planning, I'd really like to know the task took 8 hours and that the person did it in hours, but for forecasting their current resources, they are "free" or should be.


I'm looking to improve my process.





  • Andy Brittain



    I started down this route and ended up not micro managing.  We work on a week by week basis where the tasks have been allocated based on someone not being 100% utilised 5 days a week (as its not realistic).  So we are doing as you do and putting in an elapsed time of a week at 20% each day.



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    I'm concerned about under-utilization too - my target is typically 70%  with many lively discussions with upper management about that. I can usuallly account for 20% of the 30% "lost productivity" -- and it isn't lost. 

    However, in this case, I'm more concerned with over-utilization. I've got schedules out to 18 months and can see there are a bunch of day or several day tasks that get lost in the noise if ignored. I really don't want to micromanage - but trying to figure out how the tool can help me help my direct reports accomplish all of their tasks.




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