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Formatting Date in Smartsheet with Month Name Displayed

Brian King
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

When using the column type of "DATE" the only way dates are always displayed as numeric values. However, some of my colleagues are requesting that the dates be displayed as Feb 12, 2016 or 12 Feb 2016, etc.


Is this possible in Smartsheet? The only preferences I have located are the user preferences where you localize your date syntax (mm/dd/yyyy versus dd/mm/yyyy and and numeric/currency related syntax); however, this doesn't seem to offer anything that will fulfill the request of my colleagues that are opposed to reading numbers.


I have two date columns and then in a 3rd column I display these together for a quick reference when scanning through for a particular entry:


=[Event Start Date]1 + "- " + [Event End Date]1


Perhaps if it's not possible to modify the display of the Event Start DateEvent End Date columns can I do so in my combined column which uses the formula above?


I know how to do this in Excel or PHP ex: (date('F m, y');, however, I'm a bit stumped right now. I'm also rather baffled as to why this is considered to be a necessary feature from my colleagues.


Anyway, I'll end my rant here. Thanks for any help or guidance you can provide! 




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