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How to write a formula to sum up child values into Parent row?

Sean B
Sean B
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

How can I write a formula that sums up all the effort (hrs) into the parent row for which those tasks are under? 



  • Steven Edwards
    Steven Edwards ✭✭✭
    edited 05/16/16

    Hi Sean,


    Is the total not automatically displayed in the parent row?


    For example in my project plans I add the duration a specific child task will take and Smartsheet displays the total in the parent row, the parent figure cannot be changed as it is a summary.




  • Sean B

    It does this automatically for standard/default columns that were already created by default such as duration. But I would like to extend this to a new column that I added say "Work/Effort (hrs)" for which I want to have the hours for 'child' rows to sum up to the parent row summary task.

  • Steven Edwards

    Hi Sean,


    If your Work/Effort column is just a text/number type and the hours are numerical i.e "5" not "5hr" then you can use the formular =SUM(CHILDREN()) on the parent row to add together all the hours in the children rows.




  • Ichiorochi

    Hello Steven, 


    I was just wondering, what if you want the Children of a Parent Sum'ed up or Counted elsewhere? Like lets say in a summary type thing?


    Kind Regards

  • JohnHinkle
    JohnHinkle ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Ichiorochi, just add the cell reference of the parent you want to base you calculations on. Like this if you want to SUM the children of cell1 



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