Form deactivated and deleted still available to users
I have an old version of a portfolio with an intake form. I've deactivated and deleted the form, however, users across my organization who may have saved or bookmarked the link are still able to access the form and submit answers…. only the answers don't go anywhere any longer. This is causing confusion and frustration…
Trouble with understanding Workflow
I work for a company that runs clinical trials; I want to create a way to send out vendor performance surveys to Clinical Trial Managers (CTMs) who work with the vendors on different studies. Each CTM is responsible for one or more studies, and some vendors are repeated in different studies. The CTM needs to take a survey…
URL Redirect for Inactive Forms
It would be great if, when you inactivate a form, there was a way to redirect users who end up on that form to the new form or web page. I have built a highly complex system for my organization, the crux of which is an idea submission form. However, I did not have anywhere near the knowledge of Smartsheet that I do now and…
Based upon the answer to a question on a form, can I direct to another form?
If I have a form and the 1st question has 3 options, can I use the logic to direct to 3 other forms so that the questions are relevant to the answer selected? For example, question 1 has 3 answers, A, B, C. If they pick A, they are directed to smartsheet form A, if they answer B, they are directed to smartsheet form B and…
Forms: Telephone Number Validation - number of digits required
Currently unable to use telephone no. validation for Forms, as the validation requires Form users to enter a 10-digit number for New Zealand - standard mobile numbers in NZ differ between 9 and 10 digits. It would be great if the data validation could be updated to allow for phone numbers that are different to the default…
Form Submission Functions
Is there a way for people to submit a form without having to log into SmartSheet? In the past we did not have an issue with this but recently it was brought to our attention that it is not letting people do this without logging into SmartSheet. Not all staff have SmartSheet access. Seeking advice or best practices to…
Drag and Drop Emails
Hi, It would be incredibly useful to be able to drag and drop emails direct from Outlook into a form instead of saving the email somewhere and then adding. We use forms a lot and this adds time for each submission Thanks Gavin
Form "Created By" Email used to look up system "Contact List" user
The use case I have is: I am using a form to collect information, that I then will use to drive an approval workflow. A) when a user enters a form "Created By" is a system field that displays as Email address even if you require login for security B) workflows require Contact List User Account's to drive approvals. So, I…
Multiple File Upload Fields on Forms
It would be helpful to have the option for multiple file upload fields in forms, for example for photos, so that they could be associated with particular responses and not grouped together.
Do Forms always have to add a new line?
I am looking to create a visit tracker for our sales reps. All of their accounts are already in the master data sheet, and I am wondering if there's any way to create a form which would use the dropdown for Account Name as a reference and then update the Last Visited cell, rather than creating a new line each time the form…