Reference an infinite range starting from row x
Is there a way that would enable me to reference an infinite range starting from, for example, the 5th row down. Currently, my solution is to use indents and use the CHILDREN([Columnx]x) function. HOWEVER, unfortunately it seems like this is not a solution compatible with webforms. Is there a way that I can do this, that…
Counting party size from Symbols
I would like to use the party size symbol in a form for registration, but am not seeing a formula that would count the responses?
Alert and Request for Update
Estou automatizando as etapas de solicitação e lembrete de atualização para atualizar minhas atividades. A planilha não está compartilhada, mas habilitei as permissões de alerta para as menos restritivas. A coluna do indicador de ações e alertas aparece no símbolo do lembrete e está em status pendente, mas não está…
signing smartsheet input forms
Does anyone know how to sign input Smartsheet forms? I know that Smartsheet and Docusign integrates. However, I'm not sure how that would work in input forms.
Notifications and update requests
I'm automating the update request and reminder stages to update my activities. The worksheet is not shared, but I've enabled the alert permissions for the least restrictive. The actions and alerts indicator column appears in the reminder symbol and is in pending status, but is not sending email to the requested contact.…
Form Submission
I have built a test using smartsheet forms for a group of personnel within our company. I would like the user to see their results prior to submitting their form so they know whether they pass or did not pass the test. Is this possible? I can create the block where the score would reside, but I am not sure how to populate…
Configure Form
* How to configure the selection of two or more options within a single question.
Configure Form
Hi, needed your help, i have a questions: * Is it possible that a collaborator enters the form the Smartsheet automatic detect it, take his name or mail and shows it inside the form?
Configure Form
Go to section according to the answer within the form: How to configure within the form the possibility of showing a question, based on a previous answer?
Auto Formatting Based on Previous Rows
I have a smartsheet that is populated by a form, I set up a row at the top of the document that I hoped would set the formatting for the rest for the rest of the document. Based on my experience doing with this in other smartsheets, this seems to work. But in this case the formatting doesn't seem to be applying to new rows…