SmartSheet Form and Auto-Number Field as an option
Is it possible to create a SmartSheet Form, and utilize the Auto-Number Field (created already in a sheet) as an option to take advantage of the conditional logic? Example: 1) Open form 2) Enter Auto-number 12345 (from existing sheet entries) 3) Once selected, conditional log would display next field (if already filled…
Require a number format
Is there a way to force input in a form to be in a specific number format? For example, require that a customer number be 10 digits, or an account number be XXXXXX-XXX?
URL Query String - most recent entry
Hi - is there a way to use URL query string to pre-populate a form field with the most recent entry? The use case is as follows: Forms used to log vehicle maintenance; I would like the "Starting Odometer" field pre-populated with the most recently entered "Ending Odometer". Any suggestions? Thank you!
Multi-lingual functionality
Is there a way to have system messages appear in English on one form and French on another form-driven from the same sheet. The only way to change the prompts so far is to change my personal settings which impacts all sheets.
Roll up based on selection from one column and count of answers across mulitple columns
I created a form to get feedback from 6 different business units regarding 48 different applications. The participants select their business unit name from a single select dropdown. They then rank each application as “Not Used By Myself or My Team”, “I'm Not Sure”, “Not Important”, “A Little Important”, “Somewhat…
Dynamic selection of drop-down options in a form
Hello, I am interested in finding a solution to dynamically choose what options a drop-down list displays when a certain value is selected in another drop-down. As an example: We have Category 1 and Category 2 with the following options: and a form with 2 drop-downs - one for category and one for option. When the user…
Ability to Populate Fields with Needed Data Based on Conditional Logic in Forms
In creating a form the other day, I came across an instance where it would be extremely useful when a user selects an item in the source field via a dropdown selection, it not only shows the needed fields for that specific item, but it also pre-populates the correct information that would also be stored in the target…
Booking System in Smartsheets Forms
Hello everyone, I'm a relatively new user to Smartsheets and this is my first post. I have a question please about Smartsheets forms. I work as a videographer and I'm trying to write a form that allows people to hire out equipment (say for the sake of argument we only have one equipment type at the moment at that is…
Is there a way to make the form link clickable in google chat notifications from Smartsheet?
Right now, when I send a reminder to fill out a form with the link, it is not clickable (the smartsheet app is, and the email notification is), but, this is odd as for a while I only had my G-chat notifications on for receiving smartsheet updates/notifications, but had to turn on my emails again in order to receive the…
Create a Unique Form within Template
Is there a way to link a form within a template that will be associated with the NEW document created by using the template? CONTEXT: Template Purpose: each time site is visited by senior team, a template is created for site visit to document walk-through notes. Form Purpose: individual senior team members would click the…