formula referencing cell with formula
Hi folks. I'll do my best in describing my issue. Trying to create a formula that multiples 2 columns together however getting #INVALID OPERATION error. Does it have to do with a column that is actually a calculated formula? Column A: "Effective Time" is a calculated column based on this formula (shortened for this…
Maintaining Formulas When Sorting a Sheet
Hi, Is there a way to sort a sheet where the formulas do not change. I have a few formulas at the top of a sheet and whenever someone sorts through the sheet, my formulas change based on where it was moved to. My formula is a COUNTIFS and I want it to count what I am asking regardless of where in the sheet the row where…
Avg formula % complete based on a specific end date
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to create a formula that calculate the average % complete for all tasks that are ending at a specific date (important milestone) in my schedule. The schedule I have have a lot of tasks going all the way to 2020 but I want to track only those that must be completed by Nov 2018.…
SUMIF formula is making me crazy.
Just when I think I am getting better with formulas I hit a wall with something that seems simple. I need to add 2 column sums together for the rows that have a RED ball Status. =SUMIF(Status:Status, "Red", [Repair Inv. Amount]:[Repair Inv. Amount] + [Diagnostic Inv. Amount]:[Diagnostic Inv. Amount]) Then I get an invalid…
Using a COUNTIFS formula to calculate # of rows in a set date range
I'm trying to calculate the number of tasks completed in the prior fiscal year, to be used as a dashboard metric. I've created a sheet that uses a COUNTIFS fomula to reference the relevant column in another sheet. Here is my formula, which returns a '0' result. =COUNTIFS({Completed Date},">=07/01/2017",{Completed…
Tips for Showing Count of Answers Completed on a Smartsheet?
If I have a section with three rows underneath my heading, I'm able to easily use a formula to show the count of tasks completed/responded to out of my total number: ="Introduction: " + COUNT(Response4:Response6) + " of " + COUNT(CHILDREN()) However, if I have a section with multiple sub-sections, I'm struggling to use a…
Display a counter in a bar graph
Hi community, I'm making a bar graph which shows information in %, so each bar is the percentage of the information I want to show, but this '%' comes from a scalar number which I also want to display. Is there a way to do this? I attach an example.
Automatically marking something as complete when requirements are filled
Hello, I was wondering if someone would be able to help me with a problem that I have been struggling with. I would like to make it so that when a checkbox is checked, in another column, called status, that it would switch and say complete. The status column is a Dropbox, containing Completed, In-progress and Not started.…
CountIF incorrect
Im trying to count the number of total number of "Open" "Risks" in another sheet =COUNTIFS({RAID Log Range 1}, "Risk") + (COUNTIFS({RAID Log Range 2}, "Open")) I only have 1 open risk but its returning 5. This is because its counting the total number of "open" AND "Risks" into my count. How do I write the formula to be…
Card View - Data Entry (Logic & Formulas do not show up)
I went through a lot of trouble to program my Smartsheet with formulas and logic to make sure the data entry was sound. Only to discover that when someone enters data via the card view, things to not do what they do in grid view. I have many columns to populate and the entire point was to make it easy and smart. Does…