SUMIF no error, but returns '0' vs. actual sum
I'm using the Sum =SUM(CHILDREN()) to capture scoring of items by various teams, which is working great for each tool/category, but I want to now show a score by team (not just overall total by tool). =SUMIF(Tool6:Tool187, "Development", [Key factor]6:[Key factor]187) - this results in '0' (should be 35) Summing a number…
countif to total summary two different values into one
I have a sheet with different values I would like to sum a group of them and not in detail. Example I have values like CAR, BUS, TABLE, CHAIR I am trying to use a countif formula to sum up a total off all vehicles, like CAR and BUS. So I tried countifs(Range:range, CAR, Range:Range, BUS) however that doesnt seam to work.…
How to concatenate two functions in a single cell
I want to concatenate two functions in a single cell and populate the values in the same cell separated by coma.In excel we do the same by =H65-K65 &","& I65-L65 but in smartsheet when I try the same like =[Next month Proposed date for First]2 - [Assigned date of First PCT after Finetuning]2 &","& [Second PCT]2-[Assigned…
Need Help with a formula
I'm trying to convert an excel spreadsheet to a smartsheet. How would I convert this formula? =IF(SUM(AH6:AL6)=0,,AJ6+$AP6+$AS6+$AT6) Yeah, I am an extreme rookie when it comes to this stuff.
Formula Help
Not easy to relay what i'm trying to do here... I'm trying to establish a resource requirement list. We have 13 resources available for 4 categories. Right now, I have each category set to cap at 13 resources based on volume per category(this can happen as these are fed via a separate formula). My issue is that I don't…
IF(AND) Syntax Question
I am trying to correct the SYNTAX for the below scenario as I repeatedly get #INCORRECT ARGUEMENT SET as a result on line 3. In the column labeled "Today" I have the following formulas: LINE 1 =IF(MONTH(TODAY()) = [DOJ Anniversary (M)]1, "YES", "NO") ..... This returns the expected result. LINE 2 =IF(MONTH(TODAY()) = [DOJ…
Spreadsheet with multiple tabs
I was maintaining an excel spreadsheet with multiple tabs, and some of the fields under these tabs were similar, when i would update this field in master tab, then it would populate the same informatoin on similar fields on rest of the tabs. I imported this excel spreadsheet in to smartsheet and it is importing only first…
Formula for projects due to start in X no. of days
Hi again, Please need your help to correct my formula below. I wanted to count the number of projects that are due to start 14 days based on planned start dates but I am getting "Incorrect Argument Set" error. Please don't get confused with the formula. The projects I created have 5 subtasks and as an alternative solution,…
Count Task Status across Sheets
For each of our sheets, we use a "Health Status" of Red, Yellow, Green to indicate how that task is going. I would like to create a report which looks across all sheets and simply counts up the total number of tasks which are Red or Yellow. I can easily create the report which shows the list of individual tasks which are…
Struggling with If statement
I am trying to create a formula to check a box in one column if a date in another column is greater than a specific date. Here is what I have, that is not working: =IF(ISDATE([Estimated Close Date]1), IF(AND([Estimated Close Date]1 = >DATE(2018, 6, 1), 1))) Estimated Close Date is a date column. The formula I am trying to…