Workflow failed due to linked cells. Need help writing formula for Status changes.
I have the following Smartsheet and am trying to automate Status changes based on start and end dates, but from what I've read, I can't do that since my Start Date values are linked cells. Can someone help me write a formula for the Status column to populate either: Not Started, In Progress, Complete, Overdue based on the…
Please fix my syntax
Ok, I know it's something small but I can't see it. Can someone please tell me what is wrong with my formula? I'm getting an Incorrect Argument Set =COUNTIFS(Urgency:Urgency, "1 - URGENT Need attention today", Status:Status, "Pending (awaiting response)", "Working on it") tagging my formula guru @Paul Newcome
How to Add period only if there isn't one already?
Hello i am currently trying to use a formula that will take a name from a cell and add a period to it since it it the end of the sentence. This is the formula i use. =[Name]@row + "." The problem is, is that some of the names have periods already at the end because its words like Inc. or LLC. so how would I make it add a…
Forumla to add a date
Hello - I'm trying to write a formula to add a date in a cell if a checkbox in another cell is not checked, like the image below. If there is a check in "transfer to tier 2" I want closed to be blank, if there is not a check, I want it to have the date the row was entered. Can anyone assist? I've looked at automations to…
Counting Dates less than 90 days from today
Hi there. I'm trying to write a formula that will tell me how may dates are less than 90 days from today. Here is what I thought should work, but it doesn't. I feel like I'm close. What am I missing? Here is the formula I have. =COUNTIF([Start Date]:[Start Date])@row, TODAY-90) Thank, Tony Cooper
How to have a Date and Time format for Date Column Properties?
Hi, Do we have Date and Time format now for Date columns?
Populate multiple cells in sheet when code matched in another sheet
Hi, i'm totally lost on this one and hope the community can help. I have 2 sheets, 1 and 2. Sheet 1 has column called "code" (unique ref number) and other columns 'color', 'size', 'cost', 'weight', 'location' In sheet 2, i also have column called "code", and 2 other columns for 'color' and 'size' the dream is, when user…
Need Formula for Parent Row to Reflect Overall Status Based on Child Row
I'm currently working on a project tracking sheet, and right now I have a column with statuses like, "In Progress", "Completed", "Not Started", "At Risk", etc. There is a parent row with the project name and status. If any element of the child rows is "In Prgress", I'd like the status cell in the parent row to also say,…
Find previous date for then calculate days between dates
Hi all, I'm having difficulty creating a column that shows the number of days between jobs at the specific venue. Sheet is essentially a list of jobs at various venues. VENUE A, 02/02/23 VENUE B, 10/02/23 VENUE C, 15/02/23 VENUE A, 16/02/23 The column I'd like to create would show the last row for VENUE A as 14 days. I'd…
Trying to get a dashboard to update with the most current entry.
I am building a weight loss dashboard for a client, that they can use for their clients. Everything is working how I want it to except for the current weight. I am trying to get that to update based off of the most current weigh-in weight that is added via the form. In the picture below it should be 180. I am trying a…