Merged: Public Holiday Dates, other non working dates, configuration into existing Project Sheets
This discussion has been merged.
Row Report Custom Filter: Allow Basic Formulas to used to Filter Data
Current Build: When Creating a row report, you can filter by Column data. Example: "Month = 3" or "Percent > 75%" Concept: I want to be able to apply basic Formulas to custom filter data. Example: Month =Today(-31) or Percent > AVG([Average1]@row, [Average2]@row) This would reduce the amount of times you would need to…
Please enable us to select multiple contacts when sharing (was avialable a year or so ago)
About a year or so ago, if you wanted to share anything in Smartsheet, you had the ability to bring up your entire contact list or type a keyword, you would then be able to select multiple contacts to share with the same customize message. Please bring that back. It is a much-missed function. Thank you!
Enable File Handling in Bridge
Make it possible for Bridge to hand files as variables and results from actions. The example being a SharePoint API call returns a file that will then exist in the reference data of that complete action. This file/reference could then be used in future actions such as another API. My scenario required the use of the…
How to set a members availability to specific days
Some of us work 5 days a week, others only 1 or 2 days a week. How is availability set for each member? This seems like an basic feature. Does it exist? If not. then I have no idea how to use Smartsheet for part-time members.
Group Favorites into Folders
Once you have identified your "Favorites" can we get an option to group / organize them into folders please? Thank you
Email Notification : Removing the "Personal Email" on the "Changes made by" details
I saw that there were recent updates regarding email notification we set up through Automation. We can now choose "Send from Smartsheet Automation" and "Send from my organization". Currently using the option "Send from my organization" and then the messages includes "Links to sheet and specific fields" option on the "Alert…
Text in 'Contact List' variable
Hi all, I would like to bring forward a new idea. I have an 'assigned to' column with a 'contact list' variable. In the settings, I allow to also just enter text of names (for example for people not having a SS account) - as in the settings I did not select 'Restrict to list values only' (see screenshot below). It is all…
User Management button should go directly to User Management, not Admin Center
When I click on the User Management button for the first time after opening my browser, it takes me to the Admin Center, not to User Management. There is not a link to User Mgmt on the Admin Center screen, so I have to close Admin Center. If I then click User Management again in the same browser session, it does take me to…
Merged: parent timelines when dependencies are enabled gantt Bar formatting
This discussion has been merged.