Can I publish a workspace?
I know how to publish each sheet within the workspace, but is there a way to publish the entire workspace so that a group of people can view it but not make edits. The only thing I can find is share but the people who need to view is ever changing.
My team and I are having an absolute blast at Smartsheet ENGAGE! It is impressive and exciting to hear about all of the new features coming to smartsheet soon. If my team and I had a magic wand we would request tabs within sheets to allow for the ability to create a workbook (different/specific data per each tab). Thank…
How to Allow People viewing a shared link to change views
Hello, I want people outside of my organization who are viewing a live link of my sheet to be able to view the sheet in calendar or board view. Is this possible? If not, any recommendations on how a sheet can be manipulated to offer a beeter viewing experience than just the default grid view? For people viewing outside the…
Publishing a dashboard without access to source sheets
Hello, I have a question regarding publishing reports on a dashboard to external users. I want to create a web portal for various customers so they can view updated report information. I have created a report that only pulls the customers relevant information (filtered by the specific customer and only includes certain…
Enable Autosave for Published Sheet (edit by anyone)
I have several sheets whose sole purpose in Smartsheet is to live on a dashboard as published web content and provide a dropdown with names. When the name is selected, it brings up a link to a form URL with the name information URL queried into it. After the link is clicked, a new name is picked from the dropdown to…
Publish Link doesn't work for people in workspaces
I am having an issue where if I publish a report using available to users in owner's account, the link will work for those who are not shared to the workspace, but then don't work and get a request access page for those that are shared who don't have a license. Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?
Best way: Share or Publish?
I have a product team that manages an issue log for a long-term program with frequent change. Ability to enter new issues Ability to create reports Ability to create filters There is a leader team for the actual user group that needs to translate the technical issue int a user group-friendly language. Ability to edit…
Publish calendar view AND task bar colors
I've added conditional formatting to my calendar view so entries from different departments are color coded, but when I sync or publish the calendar to Outlook or Google the color formatting goes away and every entry is the same color. Is it possible to get the customized colors to publish as well as the calendar entries?
Published Dashboard Appearing Very Zoomed in on Moblie
Have a dashboard we have been using for over 3 years without issue - now when uses go to use the dashboard on a mobile device the dashboard is very zoomed in and have to scroll side to side to select options - this is a new issue with all dashboards on mobile devices
Full Screen View Default for Published Report Widgets
I would like to have an option for reports that when it is published, I can default it to full screen view. Currently, you would have to manually click the expand button to remove the top blue bar. "Normal" View: The below icon will expand the report to full screen view. I want this to always display the widget in full…