Give Specific User Editing Access to a Locked Column
I am looking to give a specific user access to editing a locked column. The background: We have a list of projects that are NOT to be started until our finance director approves said project. As the project manger, I am owner of these sheets. To prevent other users from approving projects of their own will, I have locked…
Best Practice - Data Integrity - Forms
When your business starts to build lots of sheets (as we have) the issue of data integrity comes into play. That is if you have lots sheets with names, or activities you can now put them into one sheet and reference to them BUT whenever you build a form and want to restrict the user selection to the defaults in the drop…
Alert and Request for Update
Estou automatizando as etapas de solicitação e lembrete de atualização para atualizar minhas atividades. A planilha não está compartilhada, mas habilitei as permissões de alerta para as menos restritivas. A coluna do indicador de ações e alertas aparece no símbolo do lembrete e está em status pendente, mas não está…
Sharing of reports without sharing the underlying data
Is it possible to share a report to a user, without them having access to the underlying sheet(s)? This means they can only see the entries that are relevant to them? I seem to think that the sheet(s) have to be shared as well as the report, but maybe i'm approaching it the wrong way
Sheets vs Workspace
New User: Confused do I setup Sheets or Workspaces. 7 companies, coworkers share documents and scheduled tasks. Do we set up both?
Hyperlinks to Password Protected Documents in One Drive
We have a shared One Drive account and I would like to create a hyperlink to certain documents that are password protected to certain users of a Smartsheet. Is it possible to do this so only those with a password can open the documents (either in Excel or PowerPoint)?
Will we ever be able to assign a task to multiple resources?
Is there any update on when this feature will be implemented? I cannot believe it is still not possible to assign a task to multiple resources. We are going to need to move to another site soon if this issue is not resolved. It seems crazy that after 12 years, this essential feature still does not exist, while something as…
Notifications and update requests
I'm automating the update request and reminder stages to update my activities. The worksheet is not shared, but I've enabled the alert permissions for the least restrictive. The actions and alerts indicator column appears in the reminder symbol and is in pending status, but is not sending email to the requested contact.…
Report-level access to sheets
Hi, So, there are plenty of ways to view the data in a sheet, and to regulate access. My issue is when a sheet contains sensitive data, and that you want to give view and update access to only a few of the columns via a report. A good example is a column for internal comments and one for external/customer comments. Since…
Workspace Auto-sharing
We've ran into some issues recently, with new employees creating workspaces and not sharing them correctly (either not sharing them when they need to be or giving incorrect permissions). Is there an option to set up auto-sharing for workspaces at an account level? Thanks.