Display jobs for the week and who worked on it?
I want to create a sheet that can show the jobs for each week and who worked on it (multiple people can work on it, due to different departments).
Feature Request: Kick users off of sheets (using command or timer)
OK, so I'm working to fix the sheet for my team in China while they are all at home sleeping soundly. Problem is that over half their team is still logged into SS and viewing the sheet I want to fix. If their autosave features are set incorrectly, or they make the simple human error of treating this thing like an offline…
Approving Changes Made to A Shared Sheet
Hi all, long-time listener, first-time caller. I have been tasked with discovering a way that a sheet owner can control updates being made to a shared sheet through some form of 'approval' feature or process. My scenario is this: there is a master sheet displaying all approved, company-wide projects, complete with columns…
Shared sheet not populating
I've shared a sheet with another user. For this user, only two columns have data the rest are blank. How can I fix this?
Is there a way to make my folder structure setup the default for everyone on our account?
Thinking of this like file explorer so that all of the sheets are organized rather than in one long list for the users I add / share sheets to throughout the team. thanks
Can I run a report of all sheets I own?
I did some clean-up at the end of last year and apparently it made me the Owner of several sheets I did not create. I'm getting dozens of requests for access to random sheets. I'd like to run a report of all sheets Smartsheet says I own, so I can give ownership back for some of these sheets. I see that I can do a bulk…
Change Request - Remove ability to edit filters.....
For users of <user - can't share> level permission, turn off their ability to modify / duplicate filters on sheets that have been shared to them. The filters I give them with a sheet are the filters I want them to use, no other! The minute they see that they can duplicate / change filters our workflow is hosed. You are on…
Webform - Enter a default formula instead of value for Symbol data type
I'm hoping someone can advise how to get around this issue. I have a new sheet I'm creating which acts as a checklist in a fixed process. i have several columns which cover off stages in the process, and there is a master flag as well which sets its status based on where there other stages are at. This Master Flag will…
Update request to mailer doesn't work?
Is there an accepted practice for sending an update request to multiple people? A contact column can only accept one contact rather than a list. I tried sending an update to a pre-defined mailer list, but when I send these requests, no-one on the mailer receives the email?! I can see the email being sent because I am on cc…
Row Sharing- visibility, edit, comment on Attachments
We have implemented a new process for our Development team and Clients and have run into the following issues: - Is it possible to share multiple rows and 'zip' all the attachments in the rows? I do not want to allow access to the full sheet or the Dropbox for the files. - For shared rows, we need them to be able to…