One sheet, diffrent collaborators
Dear, We would like to use one sheet/workspace. This sheet with be used by different collaborators with different permissions: 1. On Site; 2. Engineering; 3. Project Management. I would like to make one column with the above mentioned. When i add a task to (for example) onsite. I only want them to see the task for On Site,…
Clarity needed on using the contact list column type in a form
Hi all, Seeking clarity on the contact list column type for a form we use to have information submitted to our team by other employees. What I would like to end up with is a sort of "automated" contact list that pulls every name on our Enterprise account. Is that a possibility? The biggest issue for us and using forms to…
Registered vs. Licensed User
Hello! I would like to track the 'Created by' field on my web forms. In order to do that it requires that the "Accessible by" option the web form be set to 'A Registered Smartsheet user (requires login)' be selected. Can that user be a registered user but not a licensed user? Thank you!
O365 Integration for unlicensed users
We have a Business plan with 15 licensed users, then will invite perhaps another 100 collaborators (unlicensed users) as part of the various projects across enterprise. All same organization. We are an O365 shop and have integrated all licensed users with O365. However, there does not appear to be anything but a static…
Automatically copy row to respective category
Hi. I'm using a Web Form to enter data into a page. The page has different columns including Hours Worked, and Category column for the Category drop-down menu selection. With this database, I want the total worked hours for each category. Ideally something like, as soon as you enter the data through Web Forums and it gets…
What's the statute of limitations for deleted workspaces?
I'm the account admin for my company. A user was terminated with no notice in November of 2015. I removed her account a few weeks after that. She had shared some sheets with me for technical assistance and I kept them around for at least 90 days. Sometime fairly recently (can't remember exactly, might have been less than…
Possible to create Gantt Chart in duration of "hours" for single-day projects?
Hi, I created a project smartsheet with gantt dependencies in duration of "hours" for an important project that lasts one day. I was wondering if there is a way to create a gantt chart that only displays one day but shows durations of "hours" on the x-axis instead? (The current gantt chart I see only displays 30 days…
Sharing Sheet not Working for a collborator
I have a collaborator who I gave access to on a smartsheet, and they have entered data earlier in the day. but now when they try to login, they get a message saying smartsheet not shared. I have deleted the user from the smartsheet and reshared but they are still getting the message smartsheet not shared Can anyone help?
Sights - How to
Hi! I am learning how to use Sights and experimenting on how I need to organize my data in the right way to make Sights work. What tutorial/webinar/video have you found MOST useful in getting started? I'm hoping to find a link that has the best tips and tricks. Thank you all!
Merging a Trial Account
Hello, if one of my colleagues creates a trial account, can they move their sheets into their licensed user account once they are a licensed user on our team?