Connecting to Financial Management members
Is there a way to view the Financial Management members posts as a group?
Smartsheet unresponsive
I logged into my account and all my data is there but the page is unresponsive, I can't even select a cell.
Activity Log
Is there an option anywhere for activity on a sheet to be logged. ie: I would like to know who has accessed my sheets and the time/date they have accessed the sheet and also details of any changes they have made. At the moment it sems that anybody (who has access) can make changes, make deletions, make errors, and there is…
Help Us Improve Smartsheet - 2 minute survey
Hello all, My name is Jeilymar Brady and I am the User Experience Coordinator with Smartsheet UX Research. Please fill out this survey, should take about 2 minutes: http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/3515357/SmartsheetSurvey This is a quick survey we would love for you to take so we can gather some insights that will help us…
Is there a way to restrict viewing of certain information to only certain users?
for example our president would like to have notes on the document that only he can see. How can i restrict access to all other users so he is the only one that can view that content?
Simplified Resource Management
Hello! I am attempting to develop a simplified resource management tool that would allow me to see what users are working on what projects/tasks based on the email in the Assign To column. I do not require the time allocation, just name/email and the number of assigned tasks across multiple sheets and workspaces. Some of…
Save Issue
im experiencing a problem with saving after i add a row to a sheet. The save function works normally otherwise, but as soon as i add a new row to my very uncomplicated, reasonably sized sheet, the system gives me the error below. However, If i delete the added row, the save functionality works again.
Gantt view default??
My gantt chard defaults to the earliest date in the sheet. I need it to default to today's date. Help?
telephone integration
I've been asked if SS can integrate with a telephone system so that phone numbers in a sheet can be dialled directly from within SS? We use SS to track customer prospecting and to log any contact with potential customers. Being able to call directly and then to log the date/time etc as well as prompt follow up would be a…
Auto Archive Completed Tasks To Another Smartsheet
Have a smartsheet with about 6,000 rows of tasks with 38 users updating. Since Smartsheet becomes very slow with that number of rows. As tasks are completed we use the move row feature to archive. However we would like to automate this so that when a task is completed it auto archives to another sheet. We have read that…