Auditing Workspace Permission Changes
Is there a way to audit what changes were made and by whom for a Workspace? The activity log feature seems to only apply to sheets, dashboards, etc. Use Case: Permissions to a workspace have changes. I want to know who made the changes and when.
About Time Calculation
How can we calculate time between start date and finish date? I want to know by hour and minute format?
Trial emails
Hello, I'm a licensed user to Smartsheet and if I share my sheets with other users in the organisation, they have to sign up to view them. That's fine, except they're then bombarded with trial emails (You have a 30 day trial, upgrade now! etc.). I don't want them to be a licensed user, I just want them to collaborate on my…
Add Vacation to Individual Project for Individual Employee
I want to denote unavailable time for resources so when a task assigned to that person fell on an unavailable time period, the start and end dates accomodated for that automatically. Is there a way to do that in smartsheet?
default links in Notifications email
I have our sheet set up to send a notification to the client as their project moves through our department. In this case, for instance, the client will request something to be designed and printed, they will get an automatic email notification as the project moves into design production, in review, to print, then complete.…
Hi All - I am trying to create a dashboard to be shared with the team(s). Something with colors would be great! A list of all the projects and their status in a graph (or pie chart). Something with colors would be great! Any ideas?
Formula to look across rows and columns in a table.
Hi there I need a formula that will look across rows and columns in a table. For example, I need the result for School District-B with 23 items. The result from the table below should populate with: $350 1-5 6-15 16-25 26-50 51-100 100-50000 School District-A $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 School District-B $150 $250 $350…
Control Access to a report based on status in separate sheet
Hi everyone, I'm creating a training portal with a series of tasks for users to go through. I'd like to grant access to a specific report based on a user successfully completing two initial tasks. The first tasks are as follows: 1) Open a report to [a] check a box and [b] change a Harvey ball. 2) Fill out a form. Task 1…
Unrecognized System Contacts
I'm seeing behavior in a sheet that I'm not sure if this expected or not. I am a known contact in our corporate instance of Smartsheet. The screenshot displays content in a sheet column that is created by submission of a form. For this particular column, it's populated from an email address in the form field. Submitters of…
Date formatting
Hi all, I'm trying to change the date formatting but I have no idea how to do so: trying to set date like May 2016 or 01/05/16 or any other formt but only comes up as 05/01/2016. Can you help me?