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Prevent deletion of rows if it contains locked cells?

joshreis ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

We are trying Smartsheets for a project and are running into a major issue.


The sheet contains checkboxes of things to do, along with dates, and who did the particular task. It is crucial that the 'Task' and 'Date' columns be protected. Unfortunately, we're finidng that if you are an editor, even though these two columns are locked, you are still able to delete an entire row.


Quite frankly this seems pretty dumb. Surely there is a way to prevent this? Like a message saying 'Sorry, because this row contains a locked cell, it cannot be deleted'


Setting the users as viewers will not work because they need to be able to mark that a task has been completed, and if they have any remarks.





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