How to automatically add a "Date+2 days" formula to a cell when a new row is added?
In our request tracking database, currently if a Date Requested is "in the past" and another condition is not met, the entire row turns red to alert us of a new request. This is great, except that sometimes the request comes in after hours, and first thing the next morning the row is red. This gives our clients the…
How do I find an existing Workflow and remove it?
On this smartsheet sheet I know I have a Workflow that sends notification whenever a Row Changes. Now I want to delete it however I can't find the Workflow itself. If I select Automation --> Manage Workflows... --> I can't find that specific workflow. Anyone can help? Below screenshots
VLOOKUP separate sheets
I would like reference sheet A zip code with zip codes in Sheet B, and when there is a match change a specific column status in sheet B sheet B status
Autopopulate Fields from existing columns into a Form
Hi all, I am trying to autopopulate two fields into my form from two existing columns with data. I've been following the community and so far I am able to pull one field using this formula: ="Linktotheform............?NameandSurname=" + SUBSTITUTE(NameandSurname@row, " ", "%20") Like that it works perfectly and I am able…
Change a cell value If a certain Postal/Zip Code is entered, is it possible?
Hi there helpful people! I am using smartsheet to track jobs in order to then export a monthly report. I have approx 2000 postal/zip codes attributed to client sites within a particular State - and what I'm hoping to do is set up an automation (either within a workflow or a formula) where if a particular postal/zip code is…
I have the following columns that are linked to another smartsheet: Citrix Status - Network Status - PC Status - Phone Status - Completion Date When all columns have the "Complete" status, the Completion Date will register the date of last column that changed to "complete" status. I really appreciate any help! Rob
Time Based Automation
I tried to create an auto clear function for a specific column using automation. It's should clear the column of its content at the start of every workday, however it does not appear to be working. Does Smartsheet need to be open for automations to work? Any information is much appreciated. Thank you!
third party application recommendation for robust sharing automation between sheets
Hi there, I'm looking to see if there an application that can handle a little more robust automation of sharing between sheets. I'm looking to create one form that can populate and update several different sheets. do I need a third party app for this? Thanks! Deanna
Nesting ISBLANK within IF(AND) Statements
Hello, I have successfully established a formula link between two date columns (Start & Finish) and my 3 status trackers (Completed, In Progress, Not Started). The formula I have used successfully is: =IF(AND(Start@row > TODAY(), Finish@row > TODAY()), "Not Started", IF(AND(Start@row < TODAY(), Finish@row > TODAY()), "In…