How to create an auto incrementing number based upon checkbox
Hi everyone, I have a smartsheet where each row represents an "installation". One of the columns is called "Gone Live" and is of a type checkbox. I have created another column entitled "Number of Installs this year". In this column, I want to create a formula that checks the "Gone Live" field, and if the checkbox is…
SUMIF IF referred sheet/column ISDATE
Hey everyone, working on something that i am having a problem with I have the following =SUMIF({FSM - Help Desk Ticket Tracker Range 4}, $VlookupValue@row, {FSM - Help Desk Ticket Tracker Range 1}) This returns the value from the cell that i want to perform a specific calculation. I want to add more to this though. The…
Summary Cells & Adding Rows
If I understand Smartsheets correctly, all formulas must reside within the sheet where the data exists meaning, if I want to display a metric or a total on a Sights Dashboard or Report respectively, I cannot. So, what do you recommend I do to create summary cells on a sheet where rows will be continuously added?
Linking action items to project tasks
Hello everybody, first time poster. I've searched the forum to find a solution, but I wasn't successful, so decided to create my own post. I'm new to smartsheet, so would appreciate help in getting a solution for my workflow I have a project sheet, with task names, start & finish dates, predecessors (dependencies enabled),…
Link clients, jobs and opportunities
Hi guys. I use SmartSheet to track clients, jobs and opportunities. I have a sheet for each. For the most part, it works well. But the one area it's letting me down is linking relevant records. I'd like to be able to go to the client card and see all their jobs and opportunities. And I'd like to be able to go to a job or…
Detecting Cell Changes, Modifying other cells on update.
Hey guys. So, I'm curious if there's a way to do something. I want to detect certain changes in a cell, and modify another cell based on the date those changes occur. The goal here is to automate the entry of dates of completion. I've thought about entering the following formula in a date cell: =IF([% Complete]2024 = 1,…
Cell Linking Max Count
So when I try linking a cell I got the following error "Your sheet has 5000 inbound links" I understand that this is the maximum number of links but, what is considered an inbound link? For instance, I know that the linkInFromCell Objects can have a status like "OK", "BROKEN", "NOT_SHARED", "INACCESSIBLE", and some other…
Do you support "Hammock"?
Do smartshett support hammock?
Trying to do a group IF statment
Not sure how to ask this but I am trying to set up a tracking sheet that will automatically pull info from a master sheet. I would like to send out a form from for someone to fill out and all they would need to do is put in the job # into the form, and on the track sheet it will automatically fill in the rest of the…
Link if?
Hello! Is there a way to link cells, or even just copy cell/row info, if a specific criteria is met? I am new to Smartsheet and haven't been able to find anything to do this. This is the situation: I am using a webform to create Purchase requests. I have approvals set up. Once the request has been APPROVED, I want specific…