Counting total rows that fall after a specific Date
I am looking to create a formula that will capture all active rows that I have that fall withhin a Fiscal Year of 10/1/17 through 9/30/18. As of right now for the new fiscal year of 10/1/18-9/30/19 I have the following equation: =COUNTIFS({End Date}, >=DATE(2018, 10, 1), {Doc Type}, "Master") I am looking to capture the…
Auto populate from one sheet into blank rows on another
Hi All! I searched for this, but couldn't find an answer. Maybe it doesn't exist! I'm trying to set up a new dashboard for sales reps. In one sheet I will have them fill out all of their activities. I was TRYING to get them to fill out all information on one sheet to keep things simple for them. Is there a way for me to…
create graph based on cell history
Hi, I need to create a graph that track history of project evolution / execution. So, I need to have a report that contains the date that %completed was changed and the % that was added so I can create a timeline / evolution graph based on this info. How can I retrieve this info from cell history in an automated manner and…
Access (visibility and the option to edit) to SOME rows in a sheet
Hi, First, thanks for members of this forum, you’ve been a great help! I have one main sheet where all (different) legal tasks are listed to help the legal team manage the work load. Only the legal team has access to this sheet. One of the departments however, requires visibility of their related tasks, therefore I have…
Reference to other sheets not changing in countifs when saving folders as new
Hi. I have a smartsheet setup with multiple countifs to other sheets - all within the same workspace. When I save the workspace as new, the references are not changing to the newly created sheets even though I have selected 'Newly created sheets' in the any reports, dashboards, sheet hyperlinks and cell links will refer…
Link to excel file on our network
Is there a way to link to an external excel file without having to upload?
AIA G703 - Form Template
I’ve created a modified version of the AIA G703 form in Smartsheet for use in monthly tracking of my financing of a land development project. Each time a new funding request is made, a new sheet is submitted which includes a colum for “work previously completed” which needs to sum several columns from the previous funding…
Sub-task card lane driven my main card
I am using card view as a materials log and I have a question regarding the 'grouping' of cards. The problem: We have a pallet containing 4 boxes. The pallet is assigned to a lane in the sheet. I have created a sub-task card for each box on the pallet. When I move the pallet card the sub-task cards remain in the lane. The…
Countifs with OR across multiple columns
Hello all, I'm a fairly new (2 weeks) smartsheet user and I'm trying to write a formula that will count several columns based on specfic criteria. I want to count the number of Open projects (status) that are associated with engineering by either person/dept assigned column 1 or 2, and are of a safety concern (category)…