Count how many jobs start in a month
I am trying to create a formula that counts how many jobs are due to start in a month, that havent already been started. I have created the below formula to try and count the jobs in the current month: =COUNTIFS({Tippa JC Status}, ="", {Tippa Start}, MONTH({Tippa Start}) = MONTH(TODAY())) Then I try and modify it to the…
Column Number Function
Hi is there a function that can return the column number when given the column name? This would help when columns are added in sheets that have vlookups referencing them.
Columns do not line up if hidden if referencing 'in' from another sheet
Hello! I am referencing a single row of pertinent information into "Sheet #A, Master" from multiple other sheets "Content Sheet #b"; "Content Sheet #c"; "Content Sheet #d"; and so on. That works, but when I first build the link ALL of the columns in "Sheet #A, Master" need to be unhidden first. This is definitely a rich…
Date use with COUNTIFS formula (Non-Specific Date)
I have set up a summary grid pulling information from another Support calls grid so I can keep track of logged calls completed by members of my team. I am currently using the formula below to pull that information for one of the team and it works fine. =COUNTIFS({Support calls Range 1}, "Complete", {Support calls Range 2},…
Formulas and Links to Other Sheets Disappeared
I have a large project sheet that contains (1) cross-sheet links and (2) formulas to calculate due dates based on other tasks. I needed to change the sheet to only populate weekdays (no weekends) so I turned on the dependencies and edited the workdays. Then I realized ALL of my cross-sheet links and formulas disappeared! I…
Adding Matching Barcodes/SKU's from a transfer sheet onto a master Inventory sheet
Hello all, I'm new to smartsheets and working on setting up a barcode based inventory management system for the warehouse I run. I feel like I have the transfer sheet up and running just need to get all of that information to condense onto my sheet. Would someone be able to point me in the right direction or find what I'm…
Generating values that can be referenced in a drop-down
Hi, I'm looking to create a formula and cell reference system that can be used to generate a value that can be referenced in another cell or ideally a form. Here's the workflow breakdown. The field fills out a form that creates a new line with an auto-generated "Request Number" If the form has a "Build" in the "Request…
Health of Task or Project using % Complete & Finish Date - Sanity Check
I found something close to what I am looking for here: NEED HELP: Health Formula based on start date, end date, and %100 complete needed. — Smartsheet Community This formula doe s a great job of flagging the dates in relation to time left. However, I am looking for a health check that can take into account both percentage…
Using IF formula to reference any change in cell (adding a value)
Hello Experts! I was wondering if a formula like this is possible: =IF([Confirmation #]@row = "any value", "Confirmed") When a confirmation number is added to a cell, that means the item is confirmed. What can I put in place of "any value'? I am just not sure how to do this in the context of my larger status formula:…
Feature request: ability to edit and link to sheet cells from a Dashboard
Hi! Following up on this feature request, we would also like to request the ability to edit cells from a Dashboard and well as linking to them. Our use case is simple: our team uses dashboards for individual task and team management, and the ability to do quick edits and link to that specific row from a Dashboard would…