Why sometimes a formula works and other times it shows #CIRCULAR REFERENCE?
I am working with this formula IF(ISBLANK([MoH ID]@row) = true, "", IFERROR(VLOOKUP([Val ID MoH]@row, {2.1 MoH Range 1}, 16, 0), "Error ID Trámite")). It worked for a few weeks and then suddenly when I open the sheet the formula result is #CIRCULAR REFERENCE. After few days, I opened the same sheet and the formula shows…
SumIF HAS with cell linking
Hi All, I have been struggling to find a solution on how to get a Sumif formula to work. Essentially, I want to Sum if a cell contains a specific name, however the name column is multiselect and can have multiple people in it. I have tried both the HAS and CONTAINS formulas but haven't been able to get one to work. The…
Is there a way to have a date change in autofill within a formula?
I am looking to shift the way my data is displayed so I can place it in a dashboard. To do this, I'd like to shift the information within to do a specific date and return that. My formula works fine, but I have to change the date for every single line. Wondering if there's a shortcut or something that I could do to avoid…
Cross Reference Countif Formula is giving Unparsable Error.
I am hoping someone can help with Countifs formula referencing another sheet. The current formula that I have works great on the master sheet. =COUNTIFS([Resolved Date]:[Resolved Date], >=DATE(2021, 3, 1), [Resolved Date]:[Resolved Date], <=DATE(2021, 3, 31)) However, when I modify on another sheet to read as what is…
auto populate data from one sheet to another
Hello everyone, I'm new to Smartsheet but do have a fairly robust knowledge of Excel. I've created a sheet with job codes, associated titles, and pay rates. A row has a venue name, a job title, a department, and a pay rate. I would like to create secondary sheets where if a job title/department/pay rate is added to the…
Pulling Data from Second Sheet
Two Sheets: I have one sheet labeled "Permits" and one sheets labeled "Project Tracker", Each sheet has a Column Labeled "Job #" and "Permit #". What I'm looking for is if Job # match on both Sheets in column, Permit number column on Permits sheet is copied to project tracker sheet column.
Wrong date format on hyperlinks
Hello all, I have searched this topic but can't find anything. I'm using UK date formats in my companies sheets and our account is set-up in UK format, however when I link a date from the source sheet into the new sheet the date is displayed in US date format. Is this a glitch or are we doing something wrong? Tom
Pull reference data from another sheet while filtering out based on a multi-select dropdown
Hello, I'm new to Smartsheet and I'm having a bit of trouble with referencing data from one sheet to another. I think this question has been asked multiple times, but I'm confused on the format of the formula's as this is a complex problem. I want to have a master 'Parts List' which is a complete list of parts with some…
Trying to Work with the VLOOKUP Function but hitting a wall
I'm attempting to access a separate sheet with some contact details for various clients. On my CLIENT SHEET I have 8 columns: Licensee, Billing Company, Contact, Contact Email, Street, City, State, Zip On my PROJECT SHEET I have various other project details, but one column is also named "licensee". In the Licensee column,…
Count how many jobs start in a month
I am trying to create a formula that counts how many jobs are due to start in a month, that havent already been started. I have created the below formula to try and count the jobs in the current month: =COUNTIFS({Tippa JC Status}, ="", {Tippa Start}, MONTH({Tippa Start}) = MONTH(TODAY())) Then I try and modify it to the…