I am trying to sort in card view based on the employee(s) assigned to a task. I have a contact list column with this information in GridView. The "view by" feature shows a ton of columns that aren't r…
I have a sheet that has assigned owners. The owner column is a Contact list type. Contacts are added individually via the column property window. However, I in CARD view, I OWNER isn't an option under…
Good Day I have follow the resource document on how to import a csv. contact list with the correct heading row of "First Name", "Last Name" and "Email Address", and have read several posts, but I stil…
Is there a correct way to add contacts into a formula? I am trying to sum the number of attendees per VP (could be a couple VP's in this multi-select contact column) training request. Do I need to typ…
Hello everyone - thank you for your help. I am having some challenges with an Index/Match formula that populates a Contact List type column from a cross-sheet reference. It is finding the data & pulli…
My sheet has an "assigned to" column, but I am wanting to reference my contact list for the available options. I know when I am directly editing the sheet, I can begin typing the contact name/email ad…
I have found that I can not include a Contact list column which is set to Allow multiple contacts in a automated request an update action. If you include the contact list column, none of the specified…
If I edit a contact in My Contacts (the Name portion, not the email), will that flow to everywhere the contact is used (all sheets)? It appears the answer is no, and it takes manually editing each ins…
=INDEX(COLLECT({Unit/Manager List WI Range 1}, {Unit/Manager List WI Range 7}, [Area of Study Parent]@row, {Unit/Manager List WI Range 8}, [Area of Study - Nursing]@row, {Unit/Manager List WI Range 9}…