Outlook Add-in signs me off daily
The Outlook add-in signs me off daily. Is there any way I can stay signed in?
Assigned to limitation
Hi Everyone, Do you know if it is possible to assign the same task to many users ? or a group of user ? Thanks Olivier
Actions & Alerts Not working after they are modified
It seems since the update to the actions & alerts if a action is modified after it is initially saved and was working it no longer functions. Is anyone else seeing this problem? Example: Create a update request action when a checkbox is ticked. Send to a an email address in a field. Save this action and the action works.…
Editing an Alert gives a Workflow Error
When I try to edit an existing alert I receive the attached error. We do not have any workflows and I cannot find any 'Advanced' menu. Help please!
Set auto reminder emails to be sent out 3 days before the finish date
I'm using a Gannt view spreadsheet and creating a timeline for event work. I'm trying to figure out how to set an automation that will send an email reminder to the contact in the "Assigned To" column 3 days before the "Finish" date column. I've read a few support blogs and I'm not finding anything to help! Anyone know how…
Embedding a From within Smartsheet
Hi - I've created a form for submission of items in my "email calendar". Our team goes into spreadsheet often, so I don't want them to have to exit to click on URL to submit email request. Is there an easy way to add it into Smarsheet so that they can easily submit a form within our Email workspace?
Rules and Alerts emails not sending
Has anyone else experienced issues with Alert emails not sending. We have an alert set up and it has been working but all of a sudden stopped sending on the 21st?
Populate Field Based on Checkbox Date
Is there a formula out there that would allow me to 'autopopulate' a field based on the date a 'checkbox' was checked. IE --> I have a Check Box to determine if a Project has been completed or not(if checked, it is completed), is there a way to autopopulate the date that checkbox was 'checked'? Thanks!
Cell linking effecting Last Modified date for whole sheet
I have a Main sheet with a cell that is linked to a log sheet to count total rows. whenever a form user adds a row to my log sheet it is updating the last modified date for all the rows on my main sheet. any idea how I can have this stop happening so I can send out a notification for any row that has not been updated in…
Cancel reoccurring update requests when complete (or 100%)
Hi All, I might be missing something, but I want my reoccurring update requests to automatically stop sending when the activity they relate too reaches completion. Anybody know how to do this? Appreciate any guidance you can give me. Mike