It would be great to be able to "select all" when deactivating workflows in a sheet. I create templates and archive sheets and if I forget to uncheck the box then I have to go and manually deactivate each workflow.
Would be nice as projects get closed, we could turn off all automations within the projects folder in one toggle than heading into each asset to deactivate.
It would be great to provide an option to remove all workflows on a given sheet instead of having to click through each workflow. Alternatively, when a workflow is deactivated, the admin will be allowed to delete columns even though there is a deactivated workflow in place. The pop up should stay but an admin or owner should have the option for more efficiency.
Create an option by which all workflow automations can be deactivated or activated as a group instead of having to do them individually. Or create a check box for each automation and be able to select a group of automations to activate/deactive as a group.
It would be nice to be able to take an action on all, or multiple, workflows at the same time. If you have a sheet with 20+ workflows tied to it and you have a need to deactivate the workflows (data migration), it can be a pain to deactivate each workflow and then activate them all.
Yes, please and thank you, Esprenger. I have certain Sheets with many Automations and have been waiting for this feature.
It would be beneficial to have an option to bulk activate or deactivate automations. Often, I need to turn off all automations to make manual updates, but currently, this requires clicking through each automation individually to activate or deactivate them.
Michelle Cullen
would be great if there is in automation a button that you could deactivate all in 1 go. now when i'm making updated to the sheet for a new season, i need to de-activate all 1 by 1, and once update done back on. and for 50 automations feel silly.