Smartsheet limitations when collaborating with multiple teams
I've been using Smartsheet for a few years now, but recently we have been rolling it out for more serious applications involving collaboration between multiple teams, including external teams and we seem to have come accross a fundamental limitation of Smartsheets, that being the permissions model. For a platform whose…
Selectable Drop Down Menus For Web Forms
Is it possible to create drop down menus within web forms? I am looking for a way to have limited selections for each question which does not allow the submitter to create discrepancies. Thanks!
Report Enhancement Request
I would like to be able to reference filter criteria for reports from a single top level cell. My project and workaround/issue is below: I am in the manufacturing business. We have machining lines that have a number of operations: ill say on average its ~20 operations. Each operation has an operator that at the end of the…
Report Frustrations from SmartSheet
I have been using Smartsheet now for about 2 months. While I love it for so many reasons, I am frustrated too. I love being able to run the reports, there are so many great filters......why don't they just allow a function to add totals to the reports. Hence, when management asks me to report the sales numbers based on…
Web form populates parent/child relationship through category
Hello, was hoping to get some help on an issue i am having .. we have an inventory control sheet .. we would like to use a web form(s) to not only take out something of the inventory but to also add something to the inventory. I added a Category column and that is reflected in a dropdown list that matches all of the…
Feature request: ability to set time for daily notifications and reminders
Hello! Our team is having great success using Smartsheet for a variety of purposes. Notifications and alerts are an essential part of what we do, from reminders about tasks to scheduling content. One way this feature could be even better is if we could set a time to receive these notifications and alerts. For instance, it…
Date changes to tomorrow after 5pm
Hello, I have been trying to find a work around for an issue I am having on sheet we use. We are currently using a sheet for employees to submit when they check out and check in equipment via a form. We were using the auto created date column to run reports on what equipment were checked out vs. available. We discovered…
Feature request: company holiday management in Workspace
Hi there, I've seen some discussion on these boards about managing non-working time. It seems there's two out-of-the-box options, either to have each individual project manage their time or have a sysadmin do it at a global level. Some have suggested blocking time using a dedicated gannt chart. For larger companies across…
Detecting Cell Changes, Modifying other cells on update.
Hey guys. So, I'm curious if there's a way to do something. I want to detect certain changes in a cell, and modify another cell based on the date those changes occur. The goal here is to automate the entry of dates of completion. I've thought about entering the following formula in a date cell: =IF([% Complete]2024 = 1,…
Send update requests to assigned user?
Is it possible to send an update request to the user assigned to the row? For example, I have five tasks listed on my sheet, each assigned to a different user. I would like to select all five rows and hit 'Send Update Request' and use the 'Assigned to' column to determine who it should go to. Having to re-type the…