How Smartsheet define, handle and monitor allocation on teammember
Hi fellow Smartsheeteers, I encounter another challenging scenario that some of you have encountered and find a solution to it. Here is the scenario: I have task as an individual and also have task as a team member. Example of task that involves team are doc reviews with a group of people. I have numerous scenarios: 1)…
Assigning multiple resource to a single task
Proposed solution: to create "dummy" tasks in case multiple resource are assigned to a single tasks, sounds very amateurish for a great professional product like Smartsheet. Are there any plans to add ability to assign multiple resources to a single tasls like MS Project?
Send notifications to multiple users for single task
Currently with a task column and then with an 'Assigned To' column with the contact list type, you can only insert one contact for each task. I have several tasks where there are multiple people assigned to that single task. I would like to send out notifications to each user assigned to that task. What is the best way to…
Why can we still not assign multiple resources to a task?
How in the world is there still not a way to assign multiple team members to a single task? This is such an essential feature to my company (and I would imagine many others), that not having it available basically makes Smartsheets useless for us. It certainly makes the resource allocation tool useless, and that is really…
Charts - Legend adjustments
Hello smartsheet, Is there a way to change the icon size and text size of the legend in the charts? For several of the charts I create require legends, but the legend size is out of scale with the rest of the chart. Thoughts? Cheers, BB
Enhancement Requests: Improved Row Reminders
Every once in a while, I run into a situation where I would like to send a Row Reminder, but Smartsheet's implementation does not help me. 99% of the Reminders on a sheet are generic and can automated, I'm not talking about those. I just talked to someone and they said "if you don't hear from me in 21 working days, contact…
Group Columns
Hello, I do not believe this function is currently available but I would like to add it as a feature request. It would be very helpful if you could group a set of coulmns in a sheet and easily hide/show . There are many instances of columns that are not needed often, but would like to have available to see when needed.…
Please expose Total Float data. Seriously.
Please expose each task's Total Float data. This would enable using critical path (zero float) as a report criteria AND allow teams to see which tasks are very nearly on the critical path (minimal float). Since smartsheet can color-code the critical path in the Gantt view, we know the total float data is already there. Low…
Feature Request: Remove Confirmations
OK, So the current mechanism for an update request is that an update is sent to a user to update a row/cells. This works great, and observes the locks and permissions correctly. Problem is, after they update the sheet, they then get another email saying that they just updated the sheet. So for only one data transaction on…
Calendar Tasks to outlook for assigned tasks only
I published the iCal link to my outlook calendar, the problem is that every task on the Smartsheet shows on my calendar. We have around 15 people to whom tasks have been assigned. It would be great if we could link just their tasks to their calendar. Having all the tasks clogs up the calendar and is pretty much useless. I…