Web Form - compare two columns - ie validate a email entry
Dear Community: I am using Smartsheet to allow my customers to enter their own account information....which all rests on having a valid email address..... I have looked but can not find a SS solution to asking for a email address and then asking for it again....compare the two entries ....and either accept is they match…
Update Request which create a new row
Looking to have an update request that would create a new row (much like a form would do). Here is the situation: - Row with Project Name, PMs, etc... A PMs has more than 1 project. I need to calculate the weekly hours for stats purposes. If I use a form, the PM must submit it and then click back on the email again and…
Lookup on a form?
Hi all, Is there a way to have a date/time field on a form look up data in a separate sheet to populate itself? I'm setting up a form for people to select a date and time slot to attend a training session. I thought about having the list in a separate sheet and then only show on the form dropdown the sessions that are…
can we create a form publishing a table ?
can we add a table ( instead of single questions ) to a input form ? we need external users to post a list of items with some attributes , cost etc .. list has variable size I cannot handle this with single input fields
New format wastes both time and space
I am very frustrated with the new format. Previously, every single sheet I had open was accessible with a single click, plus I was able to use the entire width of the screen for each sheet. Now, in order to us the entire width of the screen for each sheet, it requires triple the amount of clicks to change sheets: One to…
Another strange behaviour - forms!
Hi Smartsheet, I have no time to search correct helpdesk email address, so I put this here. I have a form used by 10 employees with field which is set up as % value. Everything was ok, but from few minutes everytime they enter value like 50, it appears in the sheet as 5000%. WHY? Why that two zeros are added to the…
Automatically repeat rows within a schedule (daily, weekly, monthly etc)
Hi, We use schedules to track publication output. Is there a way, when a form is completed or when a user adds to the schedule, an option can be selected to repeat the entry either daily, weekly, or monthly? Thanks, Dan
Reminder to complete form to outside email accounts
I have 3 forms, that I need to be sent out as a reminder on a certain date. I have a 4th form I used to collect email addresses that I would send the weekly form to those addresses. I want to keep reminding them to complete the form if they have not by a certain date. So I was thinking I could make a email list (personal)…
Capturing multiple statuses, reminders for recurring tasks, form
Hello SmartSheet community, perhaps someone can give me ideas on how best to set up the following: I have 30 customers and 30 different reps (one for each customer) who need to provide a status on that customer on a regular basis, at least once every two weeks. The requirements: * Use a simple form to collect the data,…
Allow access to specific items only
Hi all, I am creating a set of sheets. * Main sheet: gathers all the tickets about issues raised from the field (customer). Ticket (row) will be added using a customized form. tickets are coming from several types of users.* Engineers that belongs to the company. * Engineers that are external and belongs to the customers.…