Check out/check in - Validating an inventory.
Ok, so I'm trying to use Smartsheet as part of our employee move process. Basically, in the past we've use a paper form to inventory what a person has (PC, monitors, chair, boxes, etc) and then use the same inventory to validate that the correct items arrive at the new location. So, I've created a sheet that will capture…
Webform Error message - can anyone help?
Hello , We use smartsheet webforms for daily reports for some of our volunteer workers..this works fine when the forms are filled out on a computer, however when filled out in our school app and submitted, they get the attached error message saying "this form is not found". Despite this, we still receive the reports into…
Help needed with formulas - paid work opportunity!
Hi everyone, My colleague and I are new to SmartSheet and we are having some issues with a few formulas and we can't quite work out what has happened. We are offering paid work at an hourly rate for someone to join our team to help troubleshoot and fix our SmartSheets issues. If you're interested, please let me know!…
Building sheets that talk to each other
Hello, I have two sheets I would like to reference data to and from and I understand how to us the =VLookup option BUT what I cant seem to get it to work. I basically want one sheet that our shipping team updates to automatically update another sheet my purchasing team uses. The columns have dates and check boxes so when…
Limit Size of Entry on a form
I tried to search for this but was not able to find it. I have a form that I has one of the entries that I want to collect is nickname....but I can only display 8 characters.... So how do I limit the entry to restrict it to be only 8 characters? Today I am preloading the field with XXXXXXXX hoping that they will read the…
Automatic Form Repsonse
Hello, I have a form in which staff submit their mileage journeys. In the smartsheet (not the form) I then have a column which totals all their journey miles to give the total mileage completed and the amount to be paid to them which the person submitting doesn't get to see. Is it possible to set the sheet up so that an…
Bank Statement Checklist and weekly notification of missing statements
Good morning, I am trying to build/find a Bank Statement Checklist that will notifiy me of all missing bank statements. For example, as of today, we should theoretically all bank statements from October 2018 and prior. I would like a monthly email sent out notifying me or somebody of all missing bank statements. I am…
Receipt for Work Completed
I want to auto generate a receipt with Zapier or something and send it to the supervisor and client upon work completed. Problem: Our electricians perform tests on all equipment we install. We have many QC forms that we use but using them is very cumbersome. Our techs need to ensure that they print them off before going to…
Automatic email after completing form
Hi, this is my first inquiry so I may be wrong about this. As far as i can tell, there's no way to send an automatic email to a user that fills a form unless they click the "get my responses" box. Is there a feature that I'm missing? This seems fairly basic for any contact form online.
Indent or minimising rows
Hi, I have several standard grid sheets that are populated via webforms, we are based within the UK. The issue I have is that I don't seem able to include "indent" function to the rows (i'd like to indent per month), as the sheets are growing huge as we have a lot of data being submitted from remote and field workers. So…