Allow padding with spaces (or some other invisible character)
After posting a laundry list of what I believe are simple ideas that I thought had already been requested, it was suggested that I post them individually on this idea board. While I think this idea is out there, I am unable to find it. My apologies if this is a repeat: Smartsheet eliminates extra spaces in a cell making it…
I have some questions about using smartsheet for managing sign ups for courses
The aim is micromanage / manually edit lists as little as possible. I would like to use automation for situations below: Is there a way to automatically stop/block the option for duplicate enrollments from the same person ( based on email address)? Set a default maximum limit for enrollments? ( stop registration option…
Using forms to Establish a Parent/Child Row Relationship
Hi, I'm trying to build out a sales pricing sheet that can be used by our sales team to enter a customers information and then the products that they'd like to purchase (with various different options). I'd want the interface for the sales person to be a form rather than a grid view to keep it simple and let various…
certain cells remain locked until specific data is entered in another cell
I would like the ability to lock not an entire column or row, but just a single cell, and then unlock it when data is added to another cell. The solution could be implemented as a workflow.
Merged: Printing format
This discussion has been merged.
Remove smartsheet email in mod by column?
Hello, Simple question that im guessing is no but is it possible to stop or remove the automation@smartsheet.com from showing whenever an automation happens? I have a modified by column and it doesn't really do anything if it always says automation instead of the actual person who modified it.
Notification sending to both people not just 1
Hello, I have an automation set up to notify certain people if text is entered into the cell. While both parties can enter in text into the cell I only need it to notify person 1 when person 2 enters in text. Currently it is still sending notifications to both themselves and person 1 when person 2 enters in text. Person 2…
Formula to change the color of a task name or date cell, based on another date cell
Hi all! Theoretically, I'd like to state: If the cabling will be delivered, but it won't arrive within 14 days before the date of installation, then change cell color of these tasks below to indicate the need to order temporary/alternate cabling solution. I realize it may be too dynamic to only be set-up in conditional…
Error when submitting a form.
Workspace owner has created a form and published it. Users that are members of the workspace receive an error when attempting to submit the form. Error message is: There was an error submitting the form. Please try again. If the problem continues, please visit www.smartsheet.com/gethelp. The user/owner of the form has…