Plotting cost over time
Hi- I am trying to either graphically or with subtotals display cost over time as aggregated preferably by month, but also want to consider by week. I am easily able to plot cost for items that begin or end in a calendar month, but not for items that span months. I am pretty sure each cost would need to be broken down into…
Missing columns on XML export of Gantt chart
I have several columns I need to export with my Gantt chart but only the standard Gantt columns seem to export. Every new column I added to the Gantt chart does not export. I even re-loaded the XML back into Smartsheet and the data is missing. Really need this to work to tie into a portfolio management tool the company is…
Counting people with the same email domain in a multiselect assigned to cell
Hi there I have a multiselect Assigned To column linked to a contact list. So the contacts are displayed with their full names. Email addresses are shown in the hover over menu for each contact as per usual. I want to count how many of the contacts in the cell belong to the same company. I.e. have the same email domain. In…
At Risk Formula Unparseable Error
I am trying to build a nested at risk formula based on the following triggers. -End date is today and Status is not complete it will trigger -There is not enough time between today and the end date for the duration period left. So, if duration minus % complete is 4 days. and the period of time between today and the end…
Different font in Gannt header exported to PDF
Anyone else seen this? Not sure if it has been like this since the start or if its a new thing... Is there a setting to correct this?
count tasks per week number
Hi community, I'm trying to count the tasks in my gannt per each week in a separate grid. Then i'll make a graph representing work overloads throughout the year. Here is my formula that calculate 0 every time (at least not an error) : =COUNTIF({6530 - Sulfuric project Schedule Range 5}, WEEKNUMBER({6530 - Sulfuric project…
Gantt Bar Conditional Formatting not performing as expected
Hello Community, I am attempting to use conditional formatting to change the color of my Gantt bars; however, the conditional format is not being applied to the Gantt bars. Here is my conditional formatting You can see below that I specify a change in row color and Gantt bar color based upon values in booSummaryRow. The…
Non-working day shading in Gantt not consistent
When I select Gantt view some of my child tasks have work day and non-work day shading. Non-workdays are light grey and work days are White. This occurs randomly on the sheet. Several child rows have no formatting and some have the grey/white formatting. Why do some have it and others do not. I cannot find a setting for…
Changing % complete using a formula in another cell
I know you cannot use a formula in a "% Complete" field. Is there a way to update "% Complete" from a formula in another column (something like a "helper" column)? I have a "Task Status" column with drop down values of Not Started, In Progress, and Complete. I would like to change the value of "% Complete" when I change…
Percentage increasing by 100
Hi all, I have an issue where, when inputting a percentage into the %Complete column which accompanies the Gantt, it multiplies this percentage by 100! I.e. it turns 1 into 100% and 100 into 10,000% - screwing with the sheet. The strange thing is, this is only happening for one of my team. When i do it, in the exact same…