Gnatt Chart - Assigning tasks
How do I to show only initials on Gnatt chart? Not the full name.
Number Range Logic
I am trying to craft a formula that sources a numerical value in a different column and, based on that value, prints a skill level. Here's the formula: =IF([Points]1 <99, IF([Points]1 <199, “Apprentice”, IF([Points]1 <499, “Amateur”, IF([Points]1 <999, “Pro”, IF([Points]1 <1999, “Veteran”, IF([Points]1 <= 3999, “Expert”,…
Indenting not working right
See screenshot. When I indent my headers, the expand/minimize button is all the way to the right (circled in red). I would like it to be in the cell with the header label. I cannot figure out why it keeps putting it all the way at the end. Second- When I try to do additional indenting below that point, it doesn't seem to…
Column Editing Restrictions
Hello, I have approximately 50 users that routinely review and update the data in columns in my SmartSheet. However, for 3 columns in my sheet, I need to restrict 47 of my 50 members from being able to update the data in those specific columns. The rest of the sheet can be updated by any user. Locking the column allows…
Assigning new users to groups
I used to be able to assign new users to groups when I created their account. Something seems to have changed, and now I can't assign them until they've accepted their invitation. Any ideas? It's a pain for them to contact me once they've logged in for the first time so that I can then assign them to the appropriate groups…
Data quality issue: List tasks assigned to 'unregistered' users
I want to resolve two issues; prevent people from exacerbating the existing issue and rectifying the legacy DQ issue 1) How do i prevent users assigning tasks to people who are not registered in Smartsheet? Is there a way of forcing them to select from the drop down list? 2) Whats the best way to audit all tasks assigned…
Smartsheets for medical practices
Does anyone know if smartsheets solutions can be used to manage medical projects? This would include documenting information that would flow via api into an existing enterprise system.
Calculate Date for Status Change
Does anyone know how to capture or calculate the current date that a status has changed on a task? I'm trying to capture the dates that each task is moved through the status phases of To Do, In Process, Done.
Adding multiple users to Group
Hi, It would be helpful to be able to add multiple users to a new group using a comma delimited email list (or other) (copy/paste) method rather than having to select 51 different people separately to add to a group. Thank you.
Features that Smartsheet Should Add
I am sure that most of you have a list of things that you would like from Smartsheet. I have a short list to get us started. Lets add to this and see if they can make it happen! 1 - Ability to paste more than 50 rows at a time. * 2 - Extend the 5,000 row per sheet limit. * 3 - Ability to create a new sheet based off of a…