Auto-numbering not working anymore!
Hi, With the new update, the auto-numbering doesn't work anymore. I get the same numbers everytime with a new row. Please help!
Sights Sheet Data Widget updating question
I am looking for a way within the Sights, Sheet Data widget to update the selected cells as rows are added to the source sheet. Do we know of a way to accomplish this? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Bill
Guys, Something went wrong with the latest upgrade, I have too many spreadsheets to fix, this formula now give a #INVALID OPERATION error, this is one of my formulas: =IF(ISBLANK([Paid Date]5), [Due Date]5 - TODAY(), [Due Date]5 - [Paid Date]5) Please can this be resolved.
Excel spreadsheet with calendar and schedule
Good afternoon, I hope someone could please give me some ideas if it's at all possible to do with smartsheet or in excel??? I have an excel spreadsheet that was created by a professional. I'll try to explain the information it has on it and what I'd like to do with it. It has the date, Hebrew date, and then in in many…
Shortcut link
Looking to create a summary smartsheet that has a list of sheet names in column A and shortcut links in column B. I know you can link cells within a sheet but i the desire is to link the entire sheet.
External clients access to view worksheets
I have created a project program which our client was able to view, however she now needs a"Log-on" & Password to be able to view my sheet. I haven't changed any settings, so I need help to let her view the project program?
When I access Help resources it asked me to log in again?
When I'm logged in to Smart Sheets via my Google account and I try to access anything in the help menue it shows I need to log in to access those pages. When I authenicate again it takes me to the smart sheet application. Cycle just goes in circles. I have my profie set up in community. Need some help to figure out the…
Incident Tracker
Does anyone have a template or solution for tracking incidents related to IT infrastructure, applications, etc?
Conditional Symbols $ to $$$$$
Hi All, I went looking for the below but did not find it, so i built it. Use the below for a 1-5 symbol column like ($-$$$$$) to conditionally set the value based on a column in your list. =IF(Saving1 = MIN(Saving:Saving), "One", IF(Saving1 = MAX(Saving:Saving), "Five", IF(Saving1 = AVG(Saving:Saving), "Three", IF(Saving1…
setting up my business correctly
I have a home building company and I am not clear as to the best use of workspaces, work sheets and folders. Can someone help or do I need to hire an IT person