How to use multiple if not or statements
I am receiving an "invalid data type" result when I run this: =IF(NOT(ISBLANK([Start Date]@row)), NETWORKDAYS([Due Date]@row, IF([Date Completed]@row <> "", [Date Completed]@row, TODAY()))) and there is a null value for Due date. How can I add OR statement to this so that if either Start Date OR Due date are (not) blank…
Reference Sheet CountIfs Formula
Hi I need help in doing a count ifs in another sheet. My countifs formula currently works in the summary section of the sheet but when doing a sheet reference it doesn't. The working countifs formula is: =COUNTIFS([Risk or Issue?]:[Risk or Issue?], "Risk", Status:Status, "Open", Project:Project, "Data Analytics &…
Is there any way to inactivate a task in Smartsheet?
I'd like to see what dates, etc. look like with and without a task or set of tasks included in my project. In other software I would inactivate the task or tasks. How can I do something similar in Smartsheet?
Anyone have a good example of a project charter and tracker?
I need to create a project plan that includes a charter, timeline and change management plan. All rolling into an executive dashboard. I looked at the template and don't see one with all this detail. Anyone have a template they like to use for this?
Alert When Number of Rows with an "Open" Status Goes Above 300
Hi there! Has anyone tried this? We have one case for each row and they have basic open and closed statuses. Higher management wants to get involved in monitoring the list when the number of open cases goes above a count of 300. I added a hidden column with an if statement that will turn 1 when the number of open cases…
Card View: New Cards Disappear Due to Hirearchy, Need Advice
We are managing a large multi-project delivery roll up board, where the preferred view is Card View. We would also like to start adding, removing and editing as needed in Card View. The challenge we face is this: Projects are the top level row, with child / gchild rows as either deliverables or tasks. This board is highly…
Trigger Outlook Calendar Event from Form Submission
I've created a form for my team to use to submit vacation requests with a manager approval and user alert workflow. I want to be able to have an Outlook calendar event added once the vacation request is approved by a manager. Any thoughts on how to achieve this?
Sending Instructions to New Users via Proof Review Invitation
Is there a way I can specify the auto-generated text on a Review Invitation. I'd like to send an instructional PDF to anyone who receives an invitation to review a proof for the first time.
Prevent Overwriting of "Handler" Column
Hello, We have a smartsheet for our support team to claim requests submitted. As of now, when a form is submitted- every member of the support team receives an alert. From there, one of them must enter the sheet and elect themselves to handle the request (dropdown field with their names). We've run in to an issue where…
Metrics: Using the metrics template and metadata
I have the following setup: An Individual Project (Individual) A Dashboard Rolling Up Projects Assigned to an Individual (Program) A Dashboard Rolling Up All Projects (Portfolio) Each of the Individual, Program, and Portfolio has a metadata report and a metrics report Problem: I have to manually link the portfolio,…